RA Prime Minister Attaches Importance To Problem Of Training Of Qual


Noyan Tapan
Sep 4, 2007

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 4, NOYAN TAPAN. Serge Sargsian, the Prime Minister
of the Republic of Armenia, became acquainted with the new conditions
created for education, as well as still existing problems in the
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, and visited
the repaired computer designing faculty of this Higher Educational
Institution on September 3.

Then the Prime Minister discussed issues concerning the development
of architectural and construction education with the management and
the teaching staff of the university with the participation of the
RA Minister of Education and Science. According to the information
provided to Noyan Tapan by the Information and Public Relations
Department of the RA Government, the discussion was attended by the
Chairmen of the Unions of Architects and Constructors as well.

Serge Sargsian presented the policy adopted by the RA government in
the spheres of education and science, which are set in the activity
program of the government. The Prime Minister also referred to the
problems on the training of qualified personnel in higher educational
institutions on specialities, which are currently in great demand
in the main branches of economy and spoke about the expectations of
the state from that higher educational institution, in particular,
as well as about the tasks set in front of the university in that
respect in great details.

Taking into consideration the fact that construction plays a
considerable role in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the economy
of the republic and that the weight of construction will be great in
the forthcoming years as well in the structure of the GDP conditioned
by the yearly expanding volumes of urban development programs, Serge
Sargsian attached importance to the problem of meeting the demand for
the training of first-class qualified specialists. He mentioned that
at present there is a great demand for such specialists with higher
education in the republic, in particular.

The Prime Minister declared that the financial means provided for
education and science will be considerably increased every year
in the RA state budget. At the same time, Serge Sargsian mentioned
that the increase in the expenditure productivity of those means,
the improvement of the quality of education as a result of reforms,
as well as the work directed at the development of the science applied
in economy, demanded and based on the leading experience of the world
are of too great significance.