AYF Olympics Brings Communities Together

AYF Olympics Brings Communities Together

The Armenian Weekly
Sept. 4, 2007

SECAUCUS, N.J. (A.W.) ‘ From Aug. 30 to Sept. 3, the AYF New Jersey
Arsen Chapter hosted the 2007 AYF-YOARF Olympic competitions and
The Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel and the Crowne Plaza Hotel provided
accommodations for the guests and athletes that attended.
Events began the evening of the 30th with guests and AYF members
invited to go on a New York City Skyline Cruise.
The following day, AYF-YOARF golf competitions were held at the
Emerson Golf Club in Emerson, followed by tennis and swimming
competitions held at Overpeck Park and the Palisades Park swim club in
Palisades Park.
In the evening, the Crowne Plaza Hotel hosted the AYF-YOARF `Alumni
Dance,’ featuring John Berberian, Hachig Kazarian, Ara Dinkjian, Jason
Naroian and Michael Gostanian, directly chased by the AYF-YOARF
`Welcoming Dance’ at the Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel, featuring the
Harout Pamboukjian Ensemble.
On Sept. 1, activities were primarily focused on the softball
competition at Overpeck Park. On Sun., Sept. 2, Armenian Church
services were held in the Sheraton before the majority of spectators
and athletes headed to Overpeck Park for the culmination of the
Opening Ceremonies and the track and field events that ran throughout
the course of the day.
The results of the day’s competitions and the weekend’s cumulative
scores for each AYF chapter were announced that night at the evening’s
AYF-YOARF Olympic Grand Ball at the Sheraton, during which Onnik
Dinkjian, John Berberian, Hachig Kazarian, Ara Dinkjian, Bruce
Gigarjian and Jim Kzirian provided the musical entertainment.
The 2007 AYF-YOARF Olympics concluded Labor Day, Sept. 3, with a
picnic on the grounds of the Sheraton, featuring the Mike Gostanian
Ensemble band in accompaniment for music.
Below are the results:
(Full details will be provided in the Sept. 22 issue)

74th AYF Olympic Standings
Philadelphia — 272
Providence — 137.5
Detroit — 59
New Jersey — 45
Granite City — 28
New York — 26
North Andover — 11.5
Montebello (Calif.) — 8
Greater Boston — 5
Racine — 3
Chicago — 2
Washington — 2

High Scorers (Men)
Daniel Kaiserian (Philadelphia) — 15 points
Emmanuel Mkrtchian (Philadelphia) — 15 points

High Scorers (Women)
Lynne Tutunjian (Providence) — 15 points
Michelle Hagopian (Granite City) — 15 points
Samantha Essian (Detroit) — 15 points
Taleen Yeremian (Philadelphia) — 15 points
Sevan Makhoulian (Detroit) — 15 points

Pentathlon Winners
Karine Birazian (New Jersey)
Garo Hovnanian (Philadelphia)

Ernest Nahigian Sportsmanship Award
Armen Saryan (Racine)
Vartan Mardirosian (Greater Boston)

Most Improved Chapter
New York Hyortiks

Corey Tosoian Memorial Alumni Golf Award
Jeff Hagopian (Granite City)

Next Year’s Host