Garegin II Message Read In Romania

19:34 08/09/2007

At the third all-European ecumenical convention now being held, leaders
from several different churches have sent their messages. The message
sent by Catholicos Garegin II was read along with those of the Pope
of Rome and William, Archbishop of Canterbury.

His holy words were read by Bishop Viken Aykazyan, from the Eastern
Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in America.

The Catholicos’ message stated, "From the center of Armenian
Christianity, the See of Holy Etchmiadzin sends greetings to those
gathered in the Romanian city of Sibi; I pray that this gathering of
European churches and the Roman Catholic Church will result in new
successes concerning the unity of all churches.

"I pray that our Lord will bless and protect the people, churches,
and government of the country of Romania, and grant them brighter days.

"Concerning the issues facing this convention, especially their
relations with each other, as it is important that we speak with
one voice about the values of people and their families, the unity
of European countries, and the spiritual and cultural heritages of
our countries.

"There are many conflicts facing our church. We are witness to the
lack of love and understanding in everyday life, and the trampling
of spiritual and moral values, as well as the lack of freedom of
religion in certain European countries. And, everyone suffers from
the problems brought forth by climate change.

"Knowing the differences we have inherited from the past, I ask to
continue this dialogue we are now having about religious issues,
and for us to have the strength to reconcile and differences, so our
people will see our churches speaking and witnessing with one voice.

"I wish for a good and successful convention, under the theme titled
"Christ’s Light Shines on All." I pray that a foundation of respect
has been put in place, thanks to this cooperation, and filled with
the goodness of Christ that we find solutions to the problems facing
us. Let the Lord bless your good works and make them fruitful."