Can They Conquer Nagorno Karabakh By Blackmail?

By Rouben Hayrapetian, Moscow, Translated by K.A

AZG Armenian Daily #165

Karabakh Issue

Polad Blbuloghli, Azeri Ambassador to Russia, said in one of the
interview after his trips to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh that
the leading Western states had invested billions of dollars in the
oil-gas economy of Azerbaijan and will never allow it unfold a war
with Armenia. In this context the militant statements by Ilham Aliev
made in the interviews to the Russian mass media sources seem quite
senseless. Aliev’s mood is conditioned by the financial factor, as the
military budget of Azrbaijan should have surpassed the state budget
of Armenia. "They should understand in Armenia that the longer the
conflict is unsettled the worse the consequences may become," this
statement by Aliev is commented as an expression of discontent with
the negotiation process. According to the recent data of the Azeries,
their Army has 75.000 soldiers, it is efficient and is provided with
the latest achievements in the weapon production. In case of a war,
the military attacks will be unfolded not only in Nagorno Karabakh
but also along the whole border with Armenia.

The weapon industry of the country is being reconstructed.

The Russian mass media sources responded to the abovementioned
"crucial" statements by Aliev. Thus, a Russian military expert and
a political expert commented on the militant statements by Aliev.

Certainly, taking into account the financial superiority of Azerbaijan,
the military expert expressed the opinion that that country cannot
really make such a military structure that would win the war in
Nagorno Karabakh. He reminds that Azerbaijan is a member of a number
of organizations just like the rest of the regional states, and it
should quit them to have a serious superiority over Armenia, which
is not an easy thing.

As for the active propaganda carried out by Azerbaijan, one
of the political experts said that after the construction of
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline Azerbaijan wants to underline
its importance and just like Ukraine they use this factor a tool
for blackmailing. Moreover, this is carried out quite openly and
brutally. It’s obvious that Azerbaijan wants to include the issue of
Nagorno Karabakh in the Western agenda.