"My Heart Remains In Karabakh"



Yesterday at enlarged conference convened in the NKR Government,
where except for deputy ministers, a number of leaders of board of
administration and department participated, expressing appreciation for
long-lasting, team-work, the acting Prime Minister Anoushavan Danielian
expressed such a thought,- "Wherever we’ll be, whatever we’ll do, we
mustn’t forget Karabakh even for a moment, and everybody must proceed
with favouring its development and demobilization". Mr Danielian
pointed, that according to the Constituiton, the Government presented
an application of resignation to the NKR president Bako Sahakian,
which was accepted by the head of the country. B. Sahakian expressed
his appreciation to the members of the Government for team-work,
asking them to preceed with performing their duties until formation
of the new Government. A. Danielian considering productive the "last
years’" activity of today’s executive, pointed, that it was based on
mutual understanding and respect, created invariable values.

He expressed appreciation also to the previous governments, previous
leaders(O.Esaian, R.Kocharian, L.Petrosian, J. Poghosian), who in
their turn favoured the progress of economics. A. Danielian wishing
good luck to the forming new Government, assured, that large progress
will be stated in all spheres of economics. On behalf of the presents,
congratulating the new elected president B.Sahakian and wishing him
effective work in high and responsible post of the head of the country,
A.Danielian regarded needless to remind the participants of the
conference, that "he was also one of the Government’s personnel, which
was a cause for being proud". A.Danielian expressed his appreciation
to the NKR president, the Speaker of the NKR National Asssembly,
members of the Government, all political and public organizations of
Artsakh, intellectuals for team-work. In their turn, the NKR chief of
police Armen Issagoulov, the acting Minister of Health Zoya Lazarian,
leader of board of administration of Shushi Vladimir Kassian and the
others sent congratulatory words to the head of the Government.(press
service of the NKR Government reported).