Boomerang Effect


Hayoc Ashkharh
14 Sept 2007

Judging by all, the activists of the Armenian pan-National Movement
are extremely nervous that Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan acts as the
undisputed favorite of the presidential elections in all the social,
political, public and behind-the-scene discussions. As to the endless
search for an alternative candidate, the process develops purely on
the following plane, "who will be his main rival." That’s to say,
the problem of the first position is resolved and the struggle is
for the second position.

How to digest such crying injustice? "Why is Serge Sargsyan
considered a predetermined pretender? For what merits?" With the
purpose of getting the answer to this "incomprehensible and extremely
strange question, one of the newspapers belonging to the Armenian
pan-National Movement has raked up the dark pages of the Prime
Minister’s biography and revealed a great number of compromising facts
"to their advantage". And, as they believe, this easily renders the
"top candidate’s" presidential ambitions harmless. Let’s enumerate
some of them.

Compromising fact No. 1: Serge Sargsyan has graduated from the
Philological Department of the Yerevan State University, studying by
correspondence. Compromising fact No. 2: after his graduation, he
immediately became an active member of the Young Communists League
and then – the Communist Party and held different posts within the
party hierarchy. Whereas, following the "first President’s" thirst
for learning, he could have furthered his education in Leningrad,
married a Jewish woman and had a relevant "presence" in the ranks of
the fathers of globalization.

Compromising fact No. 3: he became a member of the Karabakh Movement
beginning 1998, and later joined the Armenian pan-National Movement
(let’s remind you that the "pan-national movement", aiming to impart
a party-based contents to the Karabakh Movement, began with a process
of admitting large groups of people into the party, so 90 per cent
of the working citizens were willy-nilly registered as "members"
of the Armenian pan-National Movement).

Let’s go on. Compromising fact No. 4: Having joined the Republican
Party, S. Sargsyan became an adherent of Nzhdeh’s ideology and was
later elected as the Chair of its political council. "After Andranik
Markaryan’s death he became a single leader". Compromising fact
No. 5: Serge Sargsyan’s principal feature is "the absolute absence of
political principles and concepts" because he first pursued extremist
left-wing "denationalized" views, as did our parents and grandparents
many of whom were members of the Young Communist League and then
¨C "denationalized" communists. And then he became a racist after
denouncing the "moderate national and liberal-democratic" principles,
i.e. the original principles of the Armenian pan-National Movement.

And even more, he became a fascist because, in the opinion of this
particular "witness" of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, it is a "racist-fascist"
party with which the same Levon Ter-Petrosyan had, for some reason,
set up a pre-electoral alliance.

Compromising fact No. 6: Serge Sargysan is a "careerist with no
principles", because during the years of the Karabakh war he took the
lead of the Committee of Defense and then became a Defense Minister.

Compromising fact No. 7: he is a "traitor", because he has made
his way in life due to Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s mercy (the resource of
the Karabakh people’s trust has not surprisingly exhausted itself
up to day; naturally, it doesn’t matter whether or not it exists),
but as we see, he does not give a "warning" to all those who dare to
question the "first President’s" super-human origin and divine mission.

What’s more, he does so being well-aware that the Armenian pan-National
Movement achieved victory in the Karabakh war thanks to Levon
Ter-Petrosyan, (never mind that he is still unable to swallow the
bitter "pill" of "occupying" Shushi) but he doesn’t publicize such
news all over the world.

In the meantime, there is not a singe indication as to why Mr.

Ter-Petrosyan invited some unreliable careerist with no principles to
Armenia and entrusted him the leadership of the force structures ¨C
the Ministries of Defense and Security and, after the resignation of
Vano Siradeghyan ¨C joined the Ministries of Home Affairs and National
Security and again entrusted its leadership to Serge Sargsyan, the
"careerist with no principles".

Compromising factor No. 8: after the October 27 criminal act he was
obliged, as a National Security Minister, "to resign immediately",
but he didn’t do so, thus leaving sweet memories on the post- October
27 developments, dual power and the revolutions that didn’t take place.

Of the great number of "murderous" compromising facts discrediting
the Prime Minister, the most deadly is still to come. "Together
with R. Kochryan, this person has been busy selling Karabakh, in the
strictest sense of the word. Why do we consider his candidacy natural
at present? So that he is able to bring the process of selling Karabakh
to an end for the sake of his career and wealth?" the author of the
articles continues to remain nervous.

And we, as na§ave creatures, believe that "together with Kocharyan
this person" has sold Meghri, having saved Karabakh for a rainy day.

We were even convinced that he wanted Karabakh; alas, it was the
"first President" that didn’t want to sell it. The "careerist with
no principles" didn’t let him do that, and they have been keeping
Karabakh as an invincible castle for 10 years.

Therefore, judge yourselves: after the epoch-forming "revelations",
the native society cannot but immediately "rule out Serge Sargsyan’s
candidacy" and, as a whole nation, harness itself on the rusty cart
and make nationwide efforts, imploring Mr. Ter-Petrosyan to return.
