Baku Doesn’t Expect Significant Changes In Karabakh Process


19.09.2007 14:59 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Presently, Azerbaijan does not expect significant
changes in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, the Azeri Deputy
Foreign Minister Araz Azimov said when commenting on the outcomes of
the OSCE Minsk Group’s recent visit to Azerbaijan.

"It would be unrealistic to expect changes until the 2008 presidential
elections in Armenia," he said.

Azimov called it ‘inevitable’ to engage the heads of the
Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorno Karabakh in the
negotiations. "However, it may take place due to discussions on
co-existence of the two communities in Nagorno Karabakh," he said.

The Azeri Deputy Minister once again confirmed the position of official
Baku on a peaceful resolution.

"Azerbaijan is ready to support the efforts of the Minsk Group
mediators and intends to continue the settlement process within
the Prague process. It would be inaccurate to spoil the previous
achievements," he said.

Mr Azimov said that during the meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-chairs on 18 September they failed to reach an agreement on a new
round of talks at any level. He said that currently it is untimely to
speak of the next meeting of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia,
Trend news agency reports.