Ahmadinejad prevented from visiting Ground Zero


19:05 22/09/2007

Ahmadinejad prevented from visiting Ground Zero

New York city officials have prohibited Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from visiting Ground
Zero. This is what Americans call the place where the
International Trade Center was located. Ahmadinejad,
who is to speak at the United Nations General
Assembly, had expressed the desire to lay a wreath in
honor of those who perished on September 11, 2001.
Discussing this question, city police officials
decided that it would be impossible to guarantee the
Iranian president’s safety should he visit the site.
The White House assured it had no influence on the
decision by police. American president George Bush was
more blunt, saying in reality the police didn’t want
the leader of a terrorist state to visit Ground Zero.
In his turn, Ahmadinejad said that all he wanted to do
was lay a wreath in honor of the victims, but that he
hadn’t insisted that this be part of his visit to the
USA. We remind that permission to enter the USA was
given so the Iranian president and his delegation
could particpate at the General Assembly meeting, but
their movement in the city is limited. They are
limited to a radius of 25 miles from the meeting

Source: Panorama.am