Assessment Center To Serve Educational Needs Of Children With Disabi


Reuters Alert, UK
Sept 27 2007

Source: World Vision Middle East/Eastern Europe office (MEERO)
Reuters and AlertNet are not responsible for the content of this
article or for any external internet sites. The views expressed are
the author’s alone.

The first ever Assessment Centre in Yerevan, Armenia is serving as a
corner stone in the comprehensive assessment of children with special
needs. The recent opening of the Centre is a major step forward to
integrate children with disabilities into society, enabling them to
access their right to education.

The Centre is of national importance, as it will also serve as
a basis to assess special educational needs of children in other
regions of Armenia.

‘This is a pivotal step towards serious reformations in the sphere of
inclusive education in Armenia,’ said Kamo Areyan, the Deputy Mayor
of Yerevan, during the opening ceremony held this week.

The Centre will serve to better understand the needs of children
who are facing educational or social challenges. Assisted by the
international consultancy, assessment tools have been developed in
collaboration with other NGOs working in the field. The tools will
be used to identify and assess children’s strengths and adapt their
education appropriately. The Centre will also help parents to know
their children better, and believe in their children’s potential for
further development and growth.

‘The establishment of the Centre is a vivid example of a successful
cooperation between World Vision Armenia, the Government, and local
and international NGOs. It is a significant contribution to the
establishment of an adequate referral system, the development
of inclusive educational facilities, and the prevention of
institutionalization,’ said Kristine Mikhailidi, sectoral operations
manager of World Vision Armenia.

‘We are ready to make a necessary investment to support the effective
functioning of the center. This is the only center in Yerevan but we
are looking forward to establishing this kind of centre in the regions
as well,’ said Nourijan Manukyan, head of the Special Education Unit
of the Ministry of Education and Science.

[ Any views expressed in this article are those of the writer and
not of Reuters. ]