Not to elect the candidate willing to make concessions on NK issue

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Sept 29 2007


Interview with HAMLET HAROUTYUNYAN, member of the Republican
Parliamentary faction and Head of `Artsakh’ Compatriots’ Union

`Mr. Haroutyunyan, how do you account for the quiet situation that
exists on the political arena which is preparing for the upcoming
presidential elections?’
`The preparatory process which began as far back as this spring
has not had an extraordinary manifestation up to day. Although, some
political factions did really make attempts to destabilize the
situation. Not that anyone tried to hinder or disturb those people,
but just their appeals did not receive significant or influential
public support.
Naturally, the political factions or parties that intend to
propose their candidate or be involved in any political block are
conducting more active negotiations. This is the best evidence of the
fact that parties and political factions and not separate individuals
have a predominant role in the internal political domain. A political
faction having firm structures, specific programs and endorsed
ideology begins preparing for the next elections just a day after the
elections held.
The situation of a political faction that submits a claim for
participating in the presidential elections just two months before
the beginning of the electoral processes is ridiculous. The
candidates representing the left wing of our internal political
domain have not even been specified; that’s why they organize café
meetings and stage shows.’
`Do you think the individuals representing the Opposition will
reach a common agreement or we will have two dozens of pretenders
competing with the pro-Government candidate?’
`This is one of the manifestations of our national mentality. It
is even difficult to predict the number of the candidates, since each
second individual is now preparing to advance his own candidacy.
Miracles seldom occur in politics. A serious pre-election program and
justified pretensions can be submitted by two, maximum three
candidates during the upcoming presidential elections. What I mean is
that there are currently two or three parties on the political arena
that have their own ideas about the country’s prospects in addition
to the operating party structures and close ranks in all the
provinces and dwelling areas of the Republic and are capable of
joining a serious and consistent electoral campaign. It is also these
political factions that can propose candidates having a weighty
personal reputation.’
`Within the outline you have sketched, what is the possible role
of the Armenian pan-National Movement which has submitted a claim for
returning to the political arena?’
`During the upcoming elections, the winning candidate will be the
representative of the party that will receive support by a larger
number of social groups; the party that has operating structures and
has proven its potentials in the Parliamentary and local
self-government elections. Nothing has happened since May to change
the ratio of the internal political forces.
We all must be able to realistically estimate the political
situations, the potentials of the forces and never depend on
miracles. The voter knows well what chances each party has. Even if
Levon Ter-Petrosyan advances his candidacy, nothing extraordinary
will happen. The kind of rivalry the Armenian pan-National Movement
is speaking about will not take place because Levon Ter-Petrosyan
will make use of the same resources that belong to Armenian
pan-National Movement. As to what potentials the Armenian
pan-National Movement has, we saw that during the months of April and
May. It is only the candidate’s personal reputation that can increase
They also speak about rat-race. I don’t even have the slightest
doubt that this expectation of the Armenian pan-National Movement may
come true, at least partially. And the Armenian pan-National Movement
does have such a tendency, since there was a rate-race from among its
ranks while losing power. And now they have a misunderstanding that
the ranks of all the parties are like theirs.’
`As Head of `Artsakh’ compatriots’ union, do you consider the
option proposed by Mr. Ter-Petrosyan acceptable for the speedy
solution of such a problem?’
`I have a profound respect for all the state attributes, including
the status of the first President. In general, I consider respectful
attitude to all the state symbols necessary.
Nevertheless, I have to state that the ideas and solutions
regarding the Artsakh problem which Levon Ter-Petrosyan expressed in
his final speech are not considered acceptable by any citizen of
Artsakh. I assure you that the tens of thousands of voters of Artsakh
descent cannot, in the near future, trust their vote to someone who
is going to find the way of conflict settlement by making concession.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS