Parents: Doctors not well prepared

13:58 06/10/2007


The campaign of the ministry of health against measles and German
measles was successful up the level that 387,476 persons from the age
6 to 27 were vaccinated in the first four days. However, the
impression was that those appealing to get vaccinated were not ready
for the process. We have drawn such conclusions from great number of
complaints by parents who called our editotiral office.

One of the parents said that her 17-year-old daughter informed the
doctos that she felt sick and asked if she may be vaccinated. The
doctor answered that only persons with sexual diseases and pregnant
women are not allowed to get the vaccination. The 17-year-old girl was
not given any other advice. She has been attending her classes with
symptoms of measles for 4-5 days now.

”They should also give advice, inform about possible consequances or
set children free from classes while making appeals to get the
vaccination” troubled parents said.

One of them asked if taking medication is prohibited after the
vaccination. We just remind that such questions must have been
answered by doctors.
