67 teachers receive certificates of honor


13:13 06/10/2007


Today mayor Yervand Zakharyan handed over certificates of honor and
monetary awards to 67 teachers of secondary schools, pre-school,
sports and cultural establishments on the Day of Teachers for their
contribution in education and upbringing of children.

The mayor awarded former director of musical school after
A. Spendaryan and a professor of Yerevan State Conservatory, Kostantin
Cechek, with a gold medal. Zakharyan underscored teachers’ role in
the upbringing of generations and said that our teachers are conscious
of the responsibility that they bear.

Speaking about reconstruction of schools, the mayor said all schools
of Yerevan will be reconstructed in upcoming 5 years. In his words,
about 100 schools of Yerevan have local heating system already. He
also said 60 other schools and kindergartens will have local heating
system next year promising to solve heating problems of schools by

The Day of Teachers has been celebrated on the first Sunday of October
for six years in our country. Ministry of Education and Science has
announced a competition on the Day. The best school principal will get
a computer and the best teacher and nurse will be awarded with VAZ
2107 type car.

Source: Panorama.am