Turkey preparing for November invasion, longterm stay

World Tribune
Oct 12 2007

Turkey preparing for November invasion, longterm stay

ANKARA – Turkey has placed its military on the highest state of alert
in preparation for a major invasion of neighboring Iraq that could
take place by the end of November.

Officials said the Turkish military has deployed tens of thousands of
troops, backed by attack helicopters, main battle tanks, armored
personnel carriers and artillery, in forward positions along the
Iraqi border. They said the Turkish force could cross the Iraqi
border and attack the Kurdish Workers Party within hours of any
"There is a very tense situation along the Iraqi border, and the
military is waiting for the green light," an official said.raq.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee passed a
resolution that deemed Turkey responsible for the killing of 1.5
million Armenians during World War I. Turkey has warned of a crisis
in U.S. relations if the resolution, which termed the Armenian deaths
a genocide, was passed by the full House.
Turkey has served as the route for 70 percent of U.S. air cargo
headed for Iraq. About one-third of U.S. military fuel as well as 95
percent of new vehicles designed to resist improvised explosive
devices in Iraq were said to pass through Turkey.

"Access to airfields and to the roads and so on in Turkey would very
much be put at risk if this resolution passes and Turkey reacts as
strongly as we believe they will," U.S. Defense Secretary Robert
Gates said.

Officials said the Turkish General Staff has relayed a series of
options to the government of Prime Minister Recep Erdogan for a
military invasion of Iraq. They said the most far-reaching proposal
called for a long-term Turkish military stay in northern Iraq near
the provincial capital of Kirkuk.

"There is no need to say something new," Turkish Deputy Prime
Minister Cemil Cicek said. "Everything will be done in a planned

Officials said Erdogan would attempt to block any approval for a
Turkish invasion until the end of November. They said the prime
minister intends to meet U.S. President George Bush in Washington
during the second half of next month.

Over the last 15 years, Turkey has maintained a brigade just inside
Iraq under an agreement with Iraqi Kurds. But the brigade has been
deployed in northwestern Iraq, far from the PKK camps.

The military has been urging the government to exploit any Turkish
invasion to prevent the Kurdish takeover of Kirkuk. Kirkuk, regarded
as the oil capital of northern Iraq, contains a large Turkish

Officials said the military recommendations were being examined by
government and parliamentary leaders. They said they expected
parliament to approve a major military operation over the next few
days in wake of the House Foreign Relations Committee resolution on
the Armenian genocide.

Amid Ankara’s preparations, the PKK was said to have withdrawn its
units from Turkey and returned to camps in Iraq’s Kandil mountains,
about 65 kilometers south of the border. Officials said the PKK has
used the Garbar mountains as a supply route to Turkey.

On Wednesday, the Turkish daily Hurriyet reported that the military
shelled PKK camps in northern Iraq. Hurriyet said Turkish forces also
targeted PKK fighters in Garbar.

"A cross-border operation in the spring would undoubtedly have
affected PKK’s offensive capabilities during the subsequent
campaigning season." the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation said.
"However, an autumn operation, when the campaigning season is already
drawing to a close, is likely to have only a limited effect on the
PKK’s ability to return to the offensive once the winter snows begin
to melt in spring 2008.

Still, the Erdogan government has been under pressure to authorize
massive retaliation against the PKK in wake of the killing of 15
Turkish soldiers in a 24-hour period this week. Opposition parties
have urged the government to approve a military invasion despite U.S.

"I suggest the prime minister hold a referendum on the cross-border
operation," Nationalist Movement Party leader Devlet Bahceli said.
"Turkey is not a small sized cantonal state. It can’t be governed
through instructions of other countries."

