BAKU: Azeri analyst sees pro-Armenian US move as assault on Islam, Azerbaijan
Oct 13 2007

Azeri analyst sees pro-Armenian US move as assault on Islam

A heavyweight Azerbaijani political analyst has described the recent
decision of the US House of Representatives foreign relations
committee to approve the resolution on the alleged genocide of the
Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey in 1915 as part of the attack of the
West on the Muslim world and US plans to disintegrate big Muslim
countries such as Turkey. "The West the Christian world is interested
in continuing the assault on Muslim countries, destroy bigger Muslim
states and create new Christian countries out of their territories",
Vafa Quluzada told Russian language website on 11 October
2007. The following is the website report headlined "Vafa
Quluzada: `The Armenian lobby in the USA was created by the Americans
themselves to cover up their expansion in the world’". Subheadings
have been inserted editorially.

Interview with the political analyst and the former Azerbaijani state
advisor on foreign policy issues, Vafa Quluzada.

Policy of disintegration

[Correspondent] What do you think about the situation around the
resolution on the recognition of "the genocide of Armenians", which
was approved at the foreign relations committee of the House of
Representatives of the US Congress?

[Quluzada] Certainly, it is a very unpleasant fact not only for
Turkey, but also for the entire Muslim world. Let us remember the
numerous remarks in the media of Muslim countries following the
collapse of the Soviet Union saying that the front line will now lie
not between Communism and the free world, as it was put then, but
between the Christian and Muslim worlds.

And the developments prove it: the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq,
the current situation concerning Iran, which they also want to
resolve by means of war, and now the deteriorating relations between
the USA and Turkey. The US-Turkish relations were at the highest
level when the Soviet Union existed. Turkey was the outpost and front
line for the USA. Now the USA destroys big regional states one after
another. Washington seems to want small states which can be ruled
easily. As a result, Iraq has been disintegrated into three parts,
while Afghanistan can even never be mentioned. Now it is Turkey’s
turn coming.

Assault on Muslim world

Therefore, Armenia may attack Turkey with the assistance of any big
power and occupy part of Turkey’s territory some time in future in
the same way as Russia once set Armenia against us and occupied part
of Azerbaijani territories. Then, a Geneva or Vienna group for Turkey
will be set up like the OSCE Minsk Group for us [international
mediators dealing with the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia], within the framework of
which the world powers will beat the air. The West the Christian
world is interested in continuing the assault on Muslim countries,
destroy bigger Muslim states and create new Christian countries out
of their territories. Thus, we are situated in a very dangerous

"Great actors"

[Correspondent] So, does it mean you are convinced that the Congress
will pass this pro-Armenian resolution?

[Quluzada] I am convinced of one thing: this issue was never raised
when the Americans did not need it. But now everyone, including both
[US President] George Bush and [US Secretary of State] Condoleeza
Rice, turns out to be helpless. By the way, both of them are great
actors. They pretend to be upset in front of TV cameras as if they
were unhappy that their own Congress makes such a decision. I do not
believe it and think that it is George Bush and Condoleezza Rice who
stand behind this decision.

US behind Armenian lobby?

[Correspondent] It means again that in fact we need to talk not only
about the success of the Armenian lobby, but also about the
coincidence of the interests of the Armenians and those of the US
official circles.

[Quluzada] The Armenian lobby was created by the US administration.
If otherwise, who would allow the Armenian Assembly to sit in the
building of the Congress? I was there and talked to members of this
assembly. Then, why do not the Americans let, say, the [Palestinian]
Fatah organization open an office, for example, in the White House?
But they made this concession to the Armenian lobby. [Passage
omitted: accusations of Armenia as a terrorist state]

Despite all this the Armenian Assembly has meetings in the building
of the Congress. I believe that the Americans established and support
it in order to cover up their expansion in the world.

No need for Turkey?

[Correspondent] Is it good for the USA to spoil relations with one of
its few allies in the Muslim world Turkey under the current
circumstances of confrontation between the civilizations?

[Quluzada] This is the way we describe the relations between the USA
and Turkey. In reality, it is a matter of propaganda. Such a gigantic
power as the USA can do without Turkey. Let us see what kinds of
measure Ankara will take. The US defence secretary has already
suggested that Turkey may cease fuel supplies for the US army in Iraq
as if Iraq did not have its own fuel… [ellipses as published]

War against Kurdish rebels

[Correspondent] So, which steps can Turkey take in response? There
are calls in Ankara to limit cooperation with the USA and
independently start war against Kurdish rebels in the north of Iraq.

[Quluzada] I think that in any case Turkey will not take the USA’s
opinion into consideration when defending its own interests in Iraq.
Turkey may send its troops to Kurdistan [historic area in northern
Iraq], destroy the PKK [Kurdish Worker Party], which is globally
recognized as a terrorist organization, and help their brothers of
Turkic origin who live in Kerkuk [northern Iraq]. If I were in the
place of Turks, I would seize Kerkuk and separate it from Iraq. It
would be a good response to the recognition of "the genocide of the
Armenians" at the US Congress. But I do not know if they will do it
and if they have power to do it.