ANTELIAS: HH Aram I addresses the 2nd convention of European

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Brussels – "Europe is not a continent based only on political and economic
interests. Its identity, unity and vision are deeply rooted in human values.
These cultural, religious, social and educational values constitute the
solid basis of Europe" said His Holiness Aram I, in his keynote address to
the Second Assembly of the Armenian Communities and organizations in Europe,
taking place in Brussels, from 15-18 October.

In a long address delivered in French, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, first
outlined the characteristic features of Europe as a continent which has the
sense of history and tradition. He then identified three challenges facing
Europe today.

According to the Pontiff, "The consolidation of European Unity is a vital
necessity. This Unity must be based on European common values and
aspirations, with the active participation of civil society". Acknowledging
the importance and political interests, Aram I emphasized "the crucial
importance of enduring values as a common source for unity".

The Second challenge according to the Armenian Catholicos integration is an
urgent matter in Europe: "Europe today is a multiform continent. Pluralism
is a dominant reality in all aspects of society in Europe. If we don’t deal
realistically with this situation, it may generate conflict of values, the
signs of which became evident in the last few years. Therefore Europe needs
a serious and comprehensive integration policy", stated His Holiness.

As a third challenge, His Holiness Aram I stressed the need to develop "a
common vision for Europe, a vision that highlights the common values,
deepens the internal unity, enhances closer intra-European collaboration and
gives more efficiency to the role of Europe in international community".

In the third part of his lecture, His Holiness Aram I raised the question of
the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and expressed his great
appreciation to all organizations, the churches, the parliaments, including
the European Parliament, which have formally recognized the Armenian
Genocide, and he said:

"This process must continue with renewed pace". In this context, His
Holiness referred to the membership of Turkey in European Community by
raising some basic concerns in the form of questions: "How a community of
values can accept a country into its membership whose values are
incompatible with its civilized values? How the European community which is
governed by democratic principles can accept into its fold a country which
is democratic in form but non-democratic in essence and practice? How a
Community that fully respects the human rights, will make a country an
integral part of its family, which not only does not respect the human
rights, but persecutes and put in prison those who defend the human rights?
And finally, how a country which is not ready to accept the truth and
reconcile with its past, will become member of a community, which has the
courage to punish the authors and defend the victims of genocides". His
Holiness called the Armenian Communities of Europe to re-organize
themselves, by bringing more active participation in the struggle of Europe
for deeper unity, greater integration and common vision.

Read excerpts from the address of His Holiness Aram I in French here:
View the photos here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.