Reuters, UK
Oct 16 2007
Source: World Vision Middle East/Eastern Europe office (MEERO)
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the author’s alone.
Lack of water supplies have hampered development in 12 communities
around Talin, Armenia.
This September, World Vision Armenia Area Development Programme (ADP)
financed the construction of an irrigation pipeline in Davtashen
village to assist the cultivating activities of 850 community
members. The renovated pipeline that carries 80 liters of water per
second provides full irrigation for the 86 hectares of land where
fruit trees and cereal are grown.
The previously dilapidated 1,200 meter-long water pipeline made
it difficult for Davtashen villagers to cultivate their land and
generate income. ‘Before the establishment of the line Davtashen
village had no irrigation. We had about 100 per cent water loss,’
says Grigor Vardanyan, the Mayor of Davtashen community.
The pipeline was located in a rocky area where construction machinery
could not be brought in.
‘The community members worked all day to carry the heavy pipes and
building materials to the construction site," says Styopa Davtyan,
Talin ADP hydro-engineering specialist.
In spite the difficulties the work lasted only two months, a short
a period of time considering the project involved constructing 1,200
meters of pipeline in a mountainous area at 3,100 meters altitude.
Besides the construction materials World Vision Armenia also provided
the community with instructive assistance. Styopa Davtyan supervised
the work by visiting the construction areas and giving professional
advice to the community members.
In 2007 World Vision assisted the construction and renovation of
12 irrigation pipelines in Talin region, northwestern Armenia. Next
month two potable and irrigation water pipelines will be renovated,
enabling more villagers to cultivate their land and generate an income.