Trial Against Royal Armenia Co Not Held Due to Absence of Prosecutor


YEREVAN, OCTOBER 19, NOYAN TAPAN. The October 18 sitting of the
Criminal Court of Appeal on the case filed against the Royal Armenia
company was not held on account of the absence of prosecutor Levon
Melkonian. Hovsep Sargsian, the other prosecutor, was late for the
judicial sitting for 30 minutes. The court presided over by Suren
Ghazarian made a record that the prosecutors were late for the trial
for the third time already, that is why, "the RA Prosecutor General,
the higher body, will be informed about such behaviour of the
prosecutors in the written form." Lusine Sahakian, the representative
of the "Federal Investment Group" company, which was recognized as the
agrieved party, was not present at the judicial sitting either. The
court decided to postpone the judicial sitting and re-appoint it on
October 25.

It was declared in the October 15 judicial sitting that a note will be
sent to the RA House of Attorneys by Ashot Sargsian, the lawyer of the
two defendants of the case, with the motivation that judicial sittings
are being hampered. According to the information provided to Noyan
Tapan, the note has not reached the House of Attorneys so far.

It should be mentioned that the case filed against the Royal Armenia
company is being heard in the Criminal Court of Appeal on the basis of
the protests of the representative of the aggrieved "Federal Investment
Group" company and the prosecutors. They appeal against the judgement
of aquittal passed by the Court of First Instance of the Kentron and
Nork-Marash communities of Yerevan, claiming to find the defendants:
Gagik Hakobian, the co-owner of the company, and Aram Ghazarian, the
deputy director of the company, guilty of the following charges:
forging the bills, deliberately avoiding tax payment, smuggling,
misappropriating the incomes gained in a criminal way, capturing
Federal Investment Group company’s property through a fraud.