Catholicos helps build home with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans

Pontifical Visit Media Advisory
His Holiness Karekin II
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians

Pontifical Visit of the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

630 Second Avenue New York, New York 10016

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate

Pontifical Visit
Media Relations Office

Michael O’Hurley-Pitts, Ph.D.
Telephone: 212.686.0710 ext. 154
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Sylvie Keshishian
Public Relations Director
Telephone: 212.686.0710 ext. 160
[email protected]
Facsimile: 212.689.1934

22 October 2007

The Catholicos helps to build a home with Habitat for Humanity in New

New Orleans – His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
All Armenians is currently on a Pontifical Visit to his flock in 18 cities
in 14 different states. Among his pastoral visits, His Holiness Karekin II
was invited to New Orleans as the special guest of Habitat for Humanity. As
part of the visit, the Catholicos helped paint a Habitat for Humanity home
for a family made homeless by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in
August, 2005.

On Tuesday evening, October 16th, Habitat for Humanity hosted a reception in
honor of the Catholicos with Ecumenical and Civic leaders. On Wednesday
morning, His Holiness Karekin II helped to build a home in Habitat for
Humanity’s Musicians’ Village alongside other volunteers, including His
Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
Church of America (Eastern). Habitat for Humanity’s Musician’s Village is
the outgrowth of New Orleans’ native sons Winston Marsalis and Harry
Connick, Jr. who helped organize the project to provide housing relief for
the hundreds of thousands whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina
and the failure of 53 levies along the Mississippi that resulted in the
flooding over 80% of New Orleans. The storm is reported to have caused over
$81.2 billion in damage, trapping more than 60,000 persons in the city and
killing more than 1,577 persons in Louisiana alone.

The commitment of His Holiness Karekin II to visit New Orleans stemmed from
his overall commitment to the welfare of humanity and his desire to thank
the citizens of the United States who came to the assistance of Armenia in
the aftermath of the devastating 1988 earthquakes that left 500,000
Armenians homeless. His Holiness’ hands-on work was a demonstration of
gratitude and appreciation to Habitat for Humanity – as well as a gesture of
goodwill to America.

Trading his Cavazan (scepter depicting his authority as the head of the
Armenian Church) for a paint brush, His Holiness Karekin II and His Eminence
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian laughed and smiled while helping the new
occupants of the home paint their newly constructed house. In a
lighthearted conversation with family members, the Catholicos invited the
family to visit Armenia.

The newly constructed Habitat for Humanity home on which the Catholicos and
the Primate worked is situated on an 8-acre parcel of land which was
selected for the construction of 70, single-family homes being built by
volunteers, donors, sponsors and low-income families as part of a Habitat
for Humanity project. Since groundbreaking began in March 2006, 40 homes
have already been completed.

His Holiness Karekin II and Habitat for Humanity have signed an agreement
designed to promote the construction of Habitat for Humanity homes in
Armenia. The Catholicos has previously participated in Habitat for
Humanity’s annual home blitz build and the Jimmy Carter Work Project, where
he worked along side former President Carter to build houses for low-income
families. The project led to the Catholicos giving his blessing for a
home-building event to be created and held in Armenia which become the His
Holiness Karekin II Work Project.

In April 2006, the Armenian Church and Habitat for Humanity signed an
agreement of long-term cooperation. The agreement created the His Holiness
Karekin II Work Project. This was aimed at alleviating housing problems in
Armenia and throughout the world. The first "Catholicos Karekin II Work
Project" was held in Gavar, Armenia, where a building was renovated in
partnership with 24 families. An additional 13 homes were built around the

In September 2006, Habitat For Humanity Armenia hosted an inaugural event
where more than 300 volunteers from Europe, the United States, Armenia and
other countries came together to help build a 24-unit condominium building.
The events of 2006 took place with the personal involvement of His Holiness
Karekin II.

In April 2007, The Pontiff personally spearheaded efforts to build 37 homes
across Armenia, giving witness to the ancient Armenian tradition of charity,
volunteerism and social concern as part of the His Holiness Karekin II Work
Project. During the past 6 months, Habitat for Humanity completed 27 houses
and 10 renovations in 10 communities of Armenia, making a total of 37 –
representing 36 worldwide dioceses and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
the headquarters of the Armenian Apostolic Church. In addition, Habitat is
inviting 37 churches as well as donors to sponsor the homes.

Here in the United States, the Armenian Church regularly takes part in
Habitat for Humanity projects. Each year, the College Ministry program at
the Armenian Church supports an Alternative Spring Break project where
Armenian Christian college students use their spring breaks to build homes.
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Armenian Church (Eastern) helps
support the project and actively encourages students to participate.

The Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian was elected as a member of
the International Board of Directors of Habitat for Humanity in May 2006. He
said, "The contribution of His Holiness Karekin II has been enormous during
the last few years – not only through his presence during the construction
of homes but also by his encouragement to the Armenian Dioceses all around
the world."

Archbishop Vicken Aykazian summized, "The Armenian Apostolic Church is
delighted to launch this event once again with Habitat for Humanity. It’s
not only a celebration of people coming together to help families in need,
but it’s also an important step toward removing the blight of poverty
housing in Armenia".

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry
which seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world,
and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat
invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses
together in partnership with families in need.

Daily coverage of the Pontifical Visit can be found online on the official
Pontifical Visit Web Site (
<http://www.pontifical> ). The site provides a wealth of
information about His Holiness Karekin II, the Armenian Church, and the
Diaspora and includes daily photographic and video updates to allow the
faithful throughout the United States and the world to stay abreast of
events, activities and worship services.

For more information on the Pontifical Visit of His Holiness Karekin II,
including supplemental media advisories and background papers, please visit:
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