TEHRAN: President: News Of Iran’s Progress In Aerospace To Be Announ


Islamic Republic News Agency
Oct 23 2007

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Tuesday that Iran has had
good progress in the field of aerospace the news of which will be
announced in the near future.

Addressing a group of Iranians residing in Armenia prior to his
departure from this country, he said, "Today, the bullying powers
are trying to create obstacles in the way of Iran’s progress under
any pretext."

Certain powers believe they are the owners of the world and they feel
concerned when they witness progress and development of other nations
therefore they try to prevent such developments.

President Ahmadinejad further stressed that the bullying powers are
not concerned over Iran’s access to nuclear bombs.

"If you are concerned about atomic bombs, you should close down your
factories operating in this field," said the president addressing
certain bullying powers.

"We opine that you are not concerned about Iran’s bomb. If the Iranian
nation was your subservient, you would permit the Iranian nation to
have access to the eighth generation of atomic bomb but since it is
not your subservient, you cannot even tolerate Iran’s fuel cycle for
access to peaceful nuclear energy."

Lauding Iran’s scientific progress, the president said the Iranian
nation has a long way to go.

President Ahmadinejad wound up his two-day official visit to Armenia
and left here for Tehran on Tuesday.