TEHRAN: Ahmadinejad: Preconditions Our Right


Press TV
Oct 23 2007

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says it is Iran that must set
preconditions in talks over its nuclear issue not the bullying powers.

Speaking among Iranians residing in Armenia, Ahmadinejad said Tehran
favors negotiations but it does not discuss its legitimate nuclear
rights with any country.

The President said the bullying powers will soon realize that they
have to bend to the Iranian nation’s strong will, adding Iran will
not withdraw from its nuclear activities.

"Today, Iran’s nuclear case has returned to the International Atomic
Energy Agency and now the IAEA is fulfilling its duties of supervising
and controlling."

Ahmadinejad called imposing sanctions a futile attempt to hinder
Iran’s progress and said Tehran has overcome the sanctions and made
significant progress in different areas including aerospace industry,
nanotechnology and biotechnology.