Expert Thinks Iranian President Had Enough Reason To Leave Armenia E


Lragir, Armenia
Oct 25 2007

Recently the top issue of the media has been the early departure of
the Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad from Armenia who interrupted
his official visit to Armenia. Experts and reporters say the move
of the Iranian president was a demarche. Official Yerevan says the
Iranian president left because of problems in his country.

Ahmadinejad says he did not leave early, on the contrary, he left an
hour and a half late. The reporters asked the opinion of Alexander
Iskandaryan, a political scientist, on October 25 at the Friday Club.

Before answering this question he said he is not an expert on the
home policy of Iran.

"I can see something is underway there. Laridjani has resigned. It is
very important. There is some commotion, escalation of the situation
regarding the Iranian nuclear program. There are changes around Iran.

I mean the Turkish action in North Iraq, and the Kurdish issue directly
relates to Iran. There is unofficial information from different
sources, and I repeat I am not an expert on the home policy of Iran,
but I cannot reject that Mr. Khomeini’s having health problems,
that he is sick, and changes are likely to happen there," Alexander
Iskandaryan says. Hence, Mahmud Ahmadinejad had enough reason to
leave Armenia early.

"I think it need not necessarily relate to Armenia. It rather relates
to what is underway in Iran. I think it is a secondary issue how
it happened, an hour here, or an hour there, because whatever is
underway in Iran, each of us need not be an expert to understand
that what is happening there is rather serious and might relate to
a change of configuration of the Iranian government. It is enough
reason to interrupt the visit," Alexander Iskandaryan says.