"Real Change Of Authority In Armenia Didnn’T Take Place

Astghik Bedevian

Azat Artsakh Tert
Oct 31 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

The representative of a bureau of Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Hrant Margarian in his interview with "Freedom" radio station has
noted "It would be impressed, if L.Ter-Petrosian in his performance of
meeting of October 26th began with self-criticism" "This performance
could be to a certain extent convincing if he began it with an
estimation of the period of his authority", Margarian has noted,
"In this case his word could be convincing and impressing". On
October 26th in extensive performance of the meeting Ter-Petrosian
characterizing today’s armenian system of authority as constructed "by
a principle of a monolithic pyramid" and "with precisely established
hierarchial grade" had noted "The top of a pyramid is the president of
the republic Robert Kocharian. The second place – the prime minster,
in recent times – Minister of Defence Serzh Sargsian.

Vice-premier Hovik Abrahamian and the head of the president’s
stuff Armen Gevorkian pretended on the third place". In occasion of
similar estimations of the ex-president H.Margarian has noted,"We
have our own analysis of today’s authorities and today’s economic and
political system. We are also sure, that the policy of prerogatives
and monopolists has reached at its zenith",- he continued, "I can
also replace the names if I speak about the past, giving different
names. Persons here play a secondary role: their names can be replaced
by others. And they have been replaced. And real change of authority in
Armenia never took place" "Only owing to coincidence of circumstances
and luck, at the top of a pyramid once L.Ter-Petrosian appeared and
then – Robert Kocharian",- Hrant Mrgarian has summerized.