People Have Given Us A Political Order

Harutyun Gevorgyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily
Oct 31 2007

Interview with the Chair of Republican Party Parliamentary Faction
Karen Karapetyan

"Mr. Karapetyan are there any unexpected manifestations in the
pre-election developments. What do the abrupt changes in the behavior
of the marginal powers testify to? " "Certain narrow political circles
are trying to make their demonstrations a matter of discussion. The
history of the contemporary Armenia remembers hundreds of similar
demonstration and hundreds will take place in the near future. Not
all the demonstrations should be discussed. Especially when there
hasn’t been any noteworthy political step in these demonstrations.

I believe the developments in our internal political life will be
continuous. The recent expressions of the social will, the results
of the parliamentary elections testify to the fact that our people
support stable and consistent progress. Only small political powers
that didn’t get the people’s support strive for a coup d’etat. And
these powers can’t refuse their personal affectations.

The people’s attitude, the psychology of the voter cannot take an
abrupt change in some months, in case when the government consistently
implements the social – economic program approved by the same people.

I’m more than confident, in the near future our people will estimate
the true worth of the implemented work and will confirm their positive
attitude. I believe our vote of confidence will be weightier and will
deny the partial approaches towards the activity of the authorities.

We appeal to all the political powers to chose a civilized campaign,
to abstain from splitting the society and inspiring distrust towards
the government in power."

"Can similar pre-election tactics be effective?"

"It is evident that the dissatisfaction that arose during the
2003 presidential elections, was eased only due to the four years’
consistent work of the power. To stir up hatred and hostility, at
the moment, is intolerable. They mustn’t jeopardize public interest."

"Mr. Karapetyan do you think revolutionary manifestations will be
crowned with success at present?"

"In 1988 they advanced a serious issue of changing the economic
and political system. There used to be a huge public demand. In
that transitional period a lot of problems appeared. But it is not
a secret that many of them were conditioned by subjective factors,
for example inappropriate governance. During the previous years the
government has managed to solve these problems, some – completely,
some – partially, some are in the process of solution.

It is undeniable that this government has managed to overcome many
defective phenomena. We didn’t only raise the problems of corruption
and shadow but we have also elaborated state programs to annihilate
these undesirable phenomena as much as we can. It is another question
that the results are not satisfactory at the moment.

But the revolutionary methods in this case are not only ineffectual,
but also even damaging. Whereas a person who has experience in
governing a country has chosen the path of political speculations and
is exaggerating defective phenomena that by the way we have inherited
from the years when they were in power, Revolutionary appeals cannot
be justified. Instead we propose joint, cooperative activity that
won’t hinder the country’s stability.

In my view the recent parliamentary elections also proved that populism
is unacceptable for the people. At the moment society supports the
powers with realistic programs. This is why the populist parties that
were doing their bests to attract the people are not represented in
the parliament.