Rear of former ministers was weaker than that of lower-ranking

Rear of former ministers was weaker than that of lower-ranking

Anahit Danielyan
02-11-2007 18:18:19 – KarabakhOpen

The replacements in government which are not over yet resemble `castle’
in chess because hardly any dismissed official remained jobless.
Notably, only the dismissed ministers Marat Hakobjanyan, Kamo Atayan,
Zoya Lazaryan, Robert Hairapetyan, Vasily Atajanyan and Vahram
Baghdasaryan remained without government posts. In fact, only three
remained ministers: Georgy Petrosyan, Spartak Tevosyan and Armo
Tsatryan. In addition, the latter got a promotion.

All the other dismissed officials except for Masis Mayilyan have found
their place. Some of them have been demoted, others have been promoted.
It has given rise to lots of questions among the society.

The principle of dismissing and appointing people to these positions is
not quite clear. Apparently, the people who did not perform well in
their position have been dismissed. Furthermore, appointment of the
same people to other positions means that the given sphere is not
considered as important otherwise they would not have appointed an
incompetent worker. Everything is much clear about promotion ` a person
is appointed who can put the agency in order. Or they want to thank
them for something.

Nevertheless, people are asking why the inefficient workers are
appointed to other positions. Can’t they be fired? The option of a
`secure rear’ comes to mind right away. Apparently, it is difficult to
refuse a `secure rear’.

Meanwhile, the `rear’ of the former ministers turned out to be weaker
than that of the lower-ranking officials.