Disappointment in Saakashvili regime growing, Russian expert says


Disappointment in Saakashvili regime growing, Russian expert says
03.11.2007 13:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `The Tbilisi rally proved the strength opposition to
the Saakashvili regime. The process which has lasted for two years is
conditioned by serious mistakes Saakashvili and his supporters
made. The President has solved no task since he came to power,’ said
Alexander Skakov, expert on Transcaucasia at the Russian institute of
political studies.

`Georgia has no economy as such. There is no developed industry or
agriculture. The problem with Abkhazia and South Ossetia is resolved
yet. In this case the situation is even worse than it used to be. The
country is on the brink of war. Georgia is the only state where Prime
Minister was assassinated. Definitely, disappointment in the
Saakashvili regime is growing,’ he said.

`Revolution will hardly take place in the near future but if
Saakashvili keeps on making the same mistakes it will inevitably lead
to shift in power,’ he added.

According to him, Georgia tends to authoritarian regime. `Georgia has
advanced in authoritarianism deeper than Azerbaijan and Armenia,’ Mr
Skakov said, Km.ru reports.
From: Baghdasarian