Party Of Sports

05-11-2007 17:02:53


If a judo tournament is going to be held at the National Opera,
there is nothing strange about the decision of the Republican Party
to hold their conference at the Dinamo Gym. Considering that the
headquarters of the Republican candidate is going to be at the office
of the football federation, it becomes clear that the Republican
Party is consciously shifting the electoral process to the track of
sports. Judging by the first steps, we may assume quite righteously
that in case the Republican candidate is elected, the inauguration
will be held at the Republic Stadium.

Then they will have to think about the new residence of the president.

Perhaps the sports and concert center would fit for this purpose
best which is now under repair. It could be an excellent residence:
it is large, airy, is located in one of the best visible parts of
the city. Another advantage is that it is several meters from the
monument to the victims of the Genocide, and no president of other
countries could avoid laying a wreath to it with any excuse. If say the
president of a country comes to meet with our president, what would
his excuse be to refuse making a few more steps and laying flowers
to the monument, especially that the president were told there is a
cozy restaurant on the way where they could have a nice meal.

However, since Armenia is developing at two-digit rates, no doubt
the president of a country with such dynamics of growth cannot
have only one residence. Hence, it is time they thought about the
second residence of the president. The water park could be good,
especially with its new winter entertainments. Apart from all it
would help to economize money wasted on taking the presidents and
other high-ranking officials visiting Armenia to see Lake Sevan. In
fact, the tigerwhelming economic growth of Armenia allows taking
guest presidents not only to Sevan but also to the Black Sea but
what is the point of it? After all, it is advisable to economize,
since the tiger may die one day. Perhaps this is the reason why the
Republicans have decided to locate their election headquarters at the
office of the football federation. The president of the federation
is Ruben Hairapetyan, member of the Republican Party’s board, and no
doubt he will readily let office more cheaply or even free of charge
for the sake of the victory of the ethno-religious ideology.

Although it is interesting why the federation of chess had not been
chosen for this purpose. After all, for the Republican candidate it
would feel like his own place because most probably the Republicans
will nominate Serge Sargsyan, who is the president of the federation
of chess. But perhaps not only meanness but also superstition mattered
in choosing the headquarters.

The point is that recently our footballers have been more successful
than our chess players. Since the Olympiad of chess, the Armenian chess
players have won no international authoritative tournaments. Besides,
as people put it, "if it were a sport, the players would play in
shorts and T-shirts."

Nevertheless, it is not clear why the Republicans have decided to
take the sports track. We may assume that the Republican Party is a
sports organization but in view of the physiology of the Republican
majority it becomes clear that of all the sports this majority
loves the Armenian double event – barbeque for lunch and barbeque
for dinner. Therefore, it is clear that the decision to position at
the sports establishments has a political reason. Perhaps in reply
to efforts to shift the election campaign to the ideological track
launched by the ARF Dashnaktsutyun, the All-Armenian Movement and some
more opposition parties the Republican Party is shifting the struggle
to the sports track. There the Republican Party will certainly keep
up with them.