Conditions In Bakeries Allow Hoping For Better

Anahit Danielyan

07-11-2007 16:51:32

The group led by the head of the supervision service Carlen Petrosyan
monitored the 6 bakeries in Stepanakert yesterday. The monitoring group
included representatives of the government, the City Hall, experts
from the Quality Inspection Service and the Center of Sanitation and
Epidemiology, as well as journalists.

According to Carlen Petrosyan, the monitoring focuses on four things:
price, quality, weight and the working conditions at the bakeries.

The group has split into two parts. The group first visited the bread
factory of Stepanakert where the working conditions of the staff
are not compliant. It was confirmed by the experts who conducted the
monitoring. By the way, this factory supplies the army with bread.

There are no problems with weight. In some bakeries the weight of
bread was even above the standard weight. For instance, a flat loaf of
bread the average weight of which is 320-340 grams weighs 342 grams,
the price is the same, 100 drams. A loaf of brown bread should weighs
352 grams, costs 90 drams. The director Arayik Hakobyan says the
price of the brown loaf is lower because the bakery can bake more
brown loafs at the same time than loafs of flat bread.

The experts reported drawbacks regarding the quality of
bread. According to the director who was appointed ten days ago,
the old ovens are bad and "need to be replaced". The director of the
factory says, however, they use superior quality flour. The director
promised to eliminate all the shortcomings.

A number of shortcomings were revealed in the other bakeries. For
instance, at the Hayastan bakery the premises are too small and
several processes are carried out in the same place, which is not
the right technology.

Better conditions are at the Ruzan bakery which produces 1000-1200
loafs a day. According to the director of the enterprise, they use
superior quality flour. They sell the bread in their own shop. The
only drawback of the enterprise is the state of the car which delivers
bread to the shops.

"We are going to solve this problem over the next week. We have bought
a car and we are now equipping it," said the owner of the bakery.

The bread and flour used in the bakeries are being tested at the
Center of Sanitation and Epidemiology.

Such monitoring has been frequent over the past few years, complaints
are also many, the situation is not changing, however. We will wait
to see the result of this activity.