Russia Learns From Armenia Details In Education

22:18 08/11/2007

Today in the press conference Victor Boltov, the chief of education
and science supervision federation service, said that Armenia and
Russia are good colleagues in the educational and science sphere. Mr.

Boltov mentioned that Russia has things to learn from us: in the
Armenian language testing system there exists 0.5 point for the
wrong answers. Mr. Boltov said that he will offer this method to his
colleagues, as he thinks that this is a better way to conduct the
tests. Besides he mentioned that professional specialists work in
the Armenian testing and evaluating centre.

Victor Boltov said, "It is possible that in the nearest future Armenian
and Russian specialists will have opportunity to exchange their ideas
and experience." Mr. Boltov mentioned that the meetings are first of
all recommended by Bologna declaration: to try to decrease the risks
of corruption, which is the most difficult part in education.

Victor Boltov announced that he had a discussion with Levon
Lazarian, the Minister of Education and Science, to organize regional
examinations, but there exist lots of problems, as for the evaluating