Three Candidatures Presented For Post Of RA Parliament Vice Speaker

2007-11-12 13:48:00

ArmInfo. Three candidatures have been presented for the post of
RA Parliament vice speaker. By chance, all the three candidatures
are women.

In particular, representative of the "Prosperous Armenia" party Aram
Safaryan proposed candidacy of Chairman of RA Parliament’s Permanent
Commission on human rights Arevik Petrosyan for this post. In case
she is elected for RA Parliament vice speakers post, her place of the
Head of the Commission will be occupied by the "Prosperous Armenia"
faction member Mkhitar Mnatsakanyan.

To recall, the Armenian Parliament vice speaker’s post has become
vacant after the "Prosperous Armenia" faction member Ishkhan Zakaryan,
who was holding this post, was elected Chairman of the Audit Chamber
of Armenia.

As member of the "Prosperous Armenia" party faction Aram Petrosyan
said, taking into account the education Arevik Petrosyan received
and the work experience in the state administration, "we believe that
her experience is enough for successful performance of duties of the
Parliament vice speaker".

For her part, secretary of the "Orinats Yerkir" party, Heghine
Bisharyan said that the "OY" party proposes candidacy of Chairman of
the Permanent Commission on education, science and youth, member of
the Republican party faction Hranush Hakopyan for the vice speaker’s
post. "I am surprised that nobody proposes H. Hakopyan’s candidacy,
taking into account her multi-year experience in the Parliament",
Bisharyan wondered. Head of the "Heritage" party faction Raffi
Hovannisian proposed the "Heritage" faction member Anahit Bakhshyan’s
candidacy for the vice speaker’s post.

The voting on the vice speaker’s candidacy will be held a bit later.