For First Time Woman Deputy To Take Post Of RA NA Vice-Speaker


Nyan Tapan
Nov 12 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. The candidatures of Arevik
Petrosian, a member of the Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous Armenia)
faction, Hranush Hakobian, a member of the RPA faction, and Anahit
Bakhshian, a member of the Zharangutiun (Heritage) faction, were
nominated for the vacant post of the NA Vice-Speaker at the November
12 NA sitting.

As it was expected, H. Hakobian withdrew her candidature saying that
she respects political agreements of the parliamentary majority,
according to which the above mentioned post is reserved for Bargavach

Expressing gratitude for nominating her candidature, she at the same
time said that each of 12 woman deputies present in the sitting hall
can take that post, as they are "literate, clever, well-organized

The election of the NA Vice-Speaker will be done by a secret
ballot. The candidate, who will receive the majority of votes of
MPs having taken part in voting, will be considered as elected,
provided that more than the half of the general number of MPs will
take part in voting. A. Bakhshian’s and A. Petrosian’s names are on
the ballot paper.

Zharangutiun faction’s members supported A. Bakhshian’s candidature
saying that "from point of view of constructive policy they would like
to see also a representative of opposition in the NA leadership." The
ARFD and RPA factions supported A. Petrosian’s candidature. NA Speaker
Tigran Torosian, in particular, emphasized that A. Petrosian’s election
will be useful for ensuring parliament’s normal work. Opposing to the
opponents, he stated that the NA, which lacks political agreements,
is doomed to chaos.

A. Bakhshian said in her speech that she does not call for electing
her and does not expect that the political majority will vote for
her. However, she expressed the hope that "the day will come when
the role of the political minority will be properly appreciated."