Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter – 11/15/2007

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

NOVEMBER 15, 2007

Bako Sahakyan, President of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh)
and his entourage visited the Prelacy last Sunday, November 11, where the
Prelate, Archbishop Oshagan, and more than fifty community leaders welcomed
them. The newly elected president is visiting some major Armenian centers in
the United States prior to the 10th annual International Armenia Fund
Thanksgiving Telethon that will take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 22.
President Sahakyan addressed the gathering as did the Primate of Artsakh
Archbishop Barkev Martirossian, the Executive Director of the Pan Armenia
Fund, Vahe Aghabegians, and the chairman of Armenia Fund USA, Raffi
This annual Thanksgiving tradition marks an unprecedented year of
achievements celebrating Armenia Fund’s 15th anniversary, and raising funds
for the Rural Development Program, an innovative initiative that will
revitalize Armenia’s villages.
The Telethon will be delivered over the air, cable and satellite
networks reaching millions of households. For complete details about the
Telethon go to

Archbishop Oshagan will travel to the Washington, D.C., area to join the
parishioners of Soorp Khatch Church of Bethesda, Maryland, in the
commemoration of the church’s 43rd anniversary. The Prelate will preside
over the anniversary dinner Saturday evening. On Sunday he will celebrate
the Divine Liturgy and deliver the Sermon

Tomorrow, Friday, November 16, is the presentation by Professor Vigen
Guroian, inaugurating the new series of booklets on contemporary ethical
issues. The presentation will begin promptly at 7:30 pm at the Prelacy
headquarters in New York. The series of seven booklets are being written by
Professor Guroian. The first booklet of the series, "Homosexuality and Same
Sex Union," was recently published. Dr. Guroian’s presentation will be
followed by Q&A and discussion. A reception will follow.
The various topics-all current issues of morality and ethics-are
explored with an Orthodox perspective. The series is a pioneering effort not
only for the Armenian Church, but for all of Orthodoxy.
Guroian, Professor of Theology at Loyola College in Maryland, is a
well-known and respected theologian. His prolific written works have been
described as "eloquent" and "substantive." Many of his colleagues have
praised him for his "courageous and discerning vision," on contemporary, and
often controversial, issues.
For information contact the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC)
at [email protected] or contact the Prelacy office at 212-689-7810.

Sunday school teachers and directors gathered last month at the Holy
Virgin Mary Spiritual Vineyard in Charlton, Massachusetts, for a weekend of
Bible study, lectures, worships and worship services. For details about this
event click here.

The third session of the five-part Bible study will take place next
Tuesday, November 20, from 7:15 to 8:45 pm, at the Prelacy offices in New
York. The mini-course entitled "From Jesus’ meals with sinners to the Lord’s
Supper (Badarak)" is presented by Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of the
Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). For information
[email protected] or 212-689-7810.

The Knock at the Door: A Journey through the Darkness of the Armenian
Genocide, by Margaret Ajemian Ahnert was named as the Best Book of 2007 in
the World History category by USA News.

The first meeting of the Global Christian Forum convened last week in
Limuru, Kenya. About 250 representatives from churches and international
religious organizations attended the meeting under the general theme, "Our
Journey with our Savior Jesus Christ." His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of
the Great House of Cilicia, delegated Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical
Officer of the Catholicosate, to participate in the meeting. Bishop Nareg
also represented the Middle East Council of Churches and read the Council’s
address at the meeting. Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, Primate of the Diocese
of England, represented the Catholicosate of All Armenians, Etchmiadzin.
During daily collective prayers, bible readings, and full and group
sessions, the participants had an opportunity to meet Christians from other
geographic locations and different church traditions. They discussed the
difficulties churches and ecclesiastical organizations face in the field of
the collective Christian legacy. The prospects for formation of the Global
Christian Forum started in the 1990s. Catholicos Aram, as moderator of the
World Council of Churches, played a significant role in this process. The
meeting in Kenya was the culmination of regional meetings in Asia, Africa,
Europe and South Africa.

The Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia announced that His Holiness
Catholicos Aram I will consecrate the Holy Muron (Holy Oil) next year on
June 7, 2008. The Faithful are encouraged to attend this special service
which takes place every seven years. Details will be forthcoming.

Bible readings for today, November 15, are: Proverbs 28:1-18; Baruch
3:31-4:4; 2 Timothy 1:6-12; Matthew 19-27-29.
For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within
you through the laying on of my hands; for God did not give us a spirit of
cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.
Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his
prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power
of God, who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our
works but according to his own purpose and grace. This grace was given to us
in Christ Jesus before the ages began, but it has now been revealed through
the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought
life and immortality to light through the gospel. For this gospel I was
appointed a herald, and an apostle and a teacher, and for this reason I
suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know the one in whom I have put
my trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what I have
entrusted to him. (2 Timothy 1:6-12)

To read the message of His Holiness in Armenian click
To read the message of His Holiness in English click

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
designated 2007 as the Year of the Armenian Language. In celebration of this
year-long tribute, each week we will offer an interesting tidbit about the
Armenian language and literature:
"Armenian history is the story of a nation’s constant struggle against its
neighbors and other foreign powers to safeguard its physical existence and
its spiritual convictions. The struggle has been punctuated not only with
humiliating defeats, but also with great triumphs. The greatest of these was
the invention of the Armenian alphabet and the ensuing flourishing of
Armenian literature, which revealed the perseverance, wisdom, and national
character of the Armenian people. Their struggles have instilled in
Armenians a certain ability to grapple with difficulties, to overcome
geographic handicaps, and to excel in the activities they undertake,
intellectual and otherwise. The intrinsic meaning of their literature, then,
is a reflection of their ceaseless strivings for survival and
>From the Introduction of Volume I, The Heritage of Armenian Literature,
Wayne State University Press, 2000.

This Sunday, November 18, is the Barekendan of the Fast of Advent. This
is a week-long fast leading up to the first Sunday of Advent, which is next
Sunday, November 25. Advent is the season that takes us to Christmas. It is
intended to be a solemn and quiet time for prayer, reflection and
preparation for the mystery of the Incarnation.

A limited number of copies of a newly published book, The Symphony of
the Destroyed Jugha Khatchkars, are available at the Prelacy Bookstore. This
valuable book by Professor Argam Ayvazian, documents the rich Armenian
monuments in Nakhichevan, all of which were destroyed by the Azeris in their
attempt to remove any trace of Armenian presence in that region. Professor
Ayvazian photographed Armenian churches, khatchkars and other Armenian
monuments in Nakhichevan from 1970 to 1988. His pioneering work has
preserved the Armenian presence that
Azerbaijan is so intent on destroying. Professor Ayvazian laments the fact
that the Armenian government, Armenian organizations, and international
organizations like UNESCO did very little to stop the barbaric destruction.
This 272-page soft-cover book has more than 700 photographs, with text
in Armenian, English and Russian. The price per book is $75, plus shipping
and handling.
Also available is a 20-page oversize booklet containing maps with exact
locations of the monuments in Nakhijevan. This is also by Prof. Ayvazyan.
The price is $20, plus shipping and handling. For information about both
publications contact the Prelacy Bookstore, 212-689-7810.

Newly arrived at the Prelacy Bookstore is the Armenian translation of
the famous Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Written in 1943 in
French, The Little Prince has been translated into more than 160 languages
(even Latin!) and has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. Appearing
to be a children’s book, it is actually a book for young and old alike. It
contains profound insight about life and human nature. One of the most
famous lines in the book is this one stated by the fox to the Little Prince:
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is
invisible to the eye." And one of our personal favorites, "It is the time
you have spent with your rose that makes your rose so important."
The Little Prince (Pokrig Ishkhaneh), which duplicates the original
illustrations, is $20, plus shipping and handling. The Armenian translation
is by Terese Voskeritchian. Contact the bookstore by email at
[email protected] or by telephone, 212-689-7810.


September 27 to November 29-Christian Education classes at Sourp Khatch
Church in Bethesda, Maryland, 8 pm in the church sanctuary. Topic: The
Badarak. Classes held second and fourth Thursdays of each month, except
Thanksgiving week when classes will take place Friday. Armenian and English.
Prior attendance is not a requisite. For information: 301-229-8742.

October 16 to December 18-"From Jesus’ meals with sinners to the Lord’s
Supper," a five part Bible study at the Armenian Prelacy will begin on
October 16 and continue on the first and third Tuesday of the month, from
7:15 to 8:45 pm. Conducted by Dn. Shant Kazanjian, director of the Armenian
Religious Education Council (AREC). For information and registration, please
send e-mail to [email protected] or call 212-689-4481.

November 16-Introduction to the new series of booklets on Contemporary
Ethical Issues: An Armenian Orthodox Perspective, by Vigen Guroian.
Professor Guroian will speak about the series and the first booklet newly
published, "Homosexuality & Same-Sex Union." 7:30 pm at the Prelacy office
in New York City. For information [email protected] or 212-689-7810.

November 16 & 17-Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Worcester, Massachusetts,
Annual Bazaar. All are welcome. For information 508-852-2414.

November 17-Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, 43rd Anniversary

November 18-Soorp Khatch Church, Bethesda, Maryland, Divine Liturgy
celebrated by the Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan.

November 18-Thanksgiving luncheon, Ladies Guild of St. Illuminator’s
Cathedral, 221 E. 27th Street, New York City, following the Divine Liturgy
at the Cathedral’s John Pashalian Hall. For information 212- 689-5880.

December 1-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, annual
church bazaar. For information or 508-234-3677.

December 1-St. Paul’s Church, Waukegan, Illinois, Annual Bake Sale, Crafts
and Café St. Paul. For orders or more information, 847-244-4573 or
www.StPaulArmenian Church.com.

December 9-St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 50th anniversary
dinner dance, Marriott Hotel, Burlington. For information, (617) 924-7562.

December 9-Family Christmas Concert sponsored by St. Illuminator’s
Cathedral, featuring Maggie Tune (from California) and Gaghant Baba, 4:30
pm, at IS5 High School, 50-40 Jacobus Street, Elmhurst, New York. For
information contact cathedral office, 212-689-5880.

December 23-St. Stephen’s Day Celebration, Watertown, Massachusetts. The
Golden Jubilee celebration will come to a close with a commemoration of the
church’s patron saint, the first deacon and martyr, St. Stephen.

December 31-New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance, Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield,
New Jersey, and ARF Dro Gomideh, The Sheraton Meadowlands, E. Rutherford,
New Jersey. For information 201-943-2950.

June 27 to July 6-St. Gregory of Datev Institute, Summer Christian Studies
Program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
Pennsylvania, organized by the Armenian Religious Education Council. For
more information click

Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy’s web site.

To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox, add
[email protected] to your address book.

Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please credit
Crossroads as the source.

Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about their
major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
[email protected]
