NKR: When inconfidence preconceived

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Nov 30 2007

When inconfidence preconceived

You can’t compare today central market of Stepanakert with the ex so
called "kolkhoz" market. It changed greatly in external design as
well as systematization of different services. By the way, the
guests, who visited the capital, affirmed it, noticing, that
everything is available in our market. It’s a praised fact, but not
in service culture. "Old sickness" of underweighing still exists. We
mustn’t hurry to estimate everyone because there are not less
scrupulous traders there. One of my relatives told me with pain that
Armenians, being good merchants since anciant times (they even
copmated with Phynicians who were famous with merchantry) today they
ceded with turkish merchants. He brought an example when we were
bargaining in the markets in Soviet Union years, turkish, azery
traders added one or two potatoes as a sign of gratitude. But our
traders can have the big potato. We, certainly, can not describe
every trader but infortunately it takes place in our life. But the
incident we witnessed in the central of Stepanakert astonished us.
One of the villagers who perhaps firstly came to sell vegetables and
fruits, brought a sack of dried onions and a bag of granate for sale.
As usual, second hand sellers surrounded him and tried to persuade
him sell cheaper and then to sell if more expensive. The villager
refused to give it for resale and prefered to sell it personally.
Taking advantage of the situation someone stole the bag. The villager
who came from the village of Nakhijevanik, was astonished. One of
customers adviced him to go to police inspector, noticing that
policeman knows him closer. Such psychology we have. It’s difficult
to say, where this villager got this confidence not to trust police
but it’s a pity that he was confident not to go to the police.
Morover, the villager whispered to me that one the men who were
playing cards, has stolen his goods who put the granates into the box
>From the bag stood and sold them cheaper quickly than market price.
But he was afraid to speak about it louder. The old villiger sold his
onion and went away. It’s a pity that we often have complexed
confidence which often became the question of dignity harming us too.
There’s no ground to tell, if the villiger went to police, the
policemen would not discover the case. They emphasized (we think) is
his preconceived inconfidence which we must get rid of it. Certainly,
if you want to live in legal reality. Both underweighing and stealing
the bag of a man is crime, against which the police struggles. But
attentiveness and personal responsibility are not less important as
if was in this story. Morality sayings Svetlanna Khachatrian
Pythogores (580-500 B.C.) is the founder of the Mathematics as the
science. He was the first to put into usage the expression
"philosophy". He was the first to name the world "universe". The
authority of Pythagores was high boundlessly, his power over society
was boundless. 1. People prefer to have good traditions, than laws.
But we know that the first laws originate from those very traditions.
2. All the nations of the world respect the memory of Vias whi said:
"I don’t recognize neither the power people, nor one commence. I
accept the law that makes order over jusice. 3. People, let law and
order be your faith. Law and order is the union of all the things.
The nature itself exists due ti it. And what’s the knowledge?
Knoeledge is the knowing of law and order. 4. People consider them
mindles dreamer who say that they talked to God. 5. Never laugh at
those who make mistakes, they should be hepled and not humiliated. 6.
Legislator or Mayor, don’t make strict laws for liquidating luxury,
but seed neglectness in relations with this phenomenon as the worst
defect. 7. People is the sacred the carrying out of this law check
only with clean hands. 8. The rulers of the polis, don’t stand the
officials in service, who are caught as lier. 9. Crotontians, if yoy
are asked what will people do, who wants to have internal freedom and
to be influensive for enemies? Answer them. "Have enough bread, a bit
salt and several just laws, as it was in the ancient Rome in the
years of reign Brutus the Edler". 10. A wise builder, learn from the
nature which creates much with less means. Only the nature will teach
you the art of building house. 11. Law-maker, try to make the form of
your words be shorter. The law is pannational book, but the people
have no time to read longer. 12. Wise and a man of common sense, do
the possible, improve the human-being.