ANC-WR Welcomes Student Human Rights Advocates to Regional Office

Armenian National Committee – Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918
Fax: 818.246.7353
[email protected]


November 27, 2007
Contact: Haig Hovsepian

Tel: (818) 500-1918

ANC-WR Welcomes Student Human Rights Advocates to Regional Office

— Mesrobian Students Conduct Walkathon in Support of H. Res. 106

Los Angeles, CA – On November 8, 2007, the Armenian National Committee
– Western Region (ANC-WR) welcomed students from the Mesrobian Armenian
School to the organization’s regional office.  Mesrobian students
had set out to walk 10 miles to the ANC-WR office in a walkathon
to support community efforts regarding the passage of the Armenian
Genocide Resolution (H. Res. 106). 

"It is important for our schools and the community’s youth to engage
themselves in support of the Armenian Cause," stated Mesrobian
Instructor Tro Tchekidjian.  "Our students took an important stand
today in the name of human rights," he added.

A group of twenty human rights advocates from the Mesrobian Armenian
School’s 11th grade class gathered at the Pasadena Armenian Center
the morning of November 8th.  After two weeks of diligent efforts in
collecting sponsorships from local businesses, friends, family and
teachers to reach their stated goal of $1000, the marchers set out
to walk the 10 mile trip to the ANC-WR’s office.

Along the route from Pasadena to Glendale students wore ANC T-Shirts
to express their solidarity and support for the Armenian Cause.  After
a walk in which students bonded closely as a class, ANC-WR Executive
Director Antranig Kzirian greeted the group at the ANC-WR office. 
Kzirian thanked the students for their activism and leadership and
provided a brief update on the organization’s activities. Kzirian
stressed that the students represented the future of the Armenian
American community and the Armenian Cause.  Tchekidjian also addressed
the students, happily informing them that they had easily surpassed
their original goal of $1000 and had collected $2500 in support of
the ANC-WR.

"Seeing these students give their time and support in such a selfless
fashion inspires me," stated Kzirian. "As a product of Armenian
American schools myself, I especially appreciate the value of their
commitment to the Armenian Cause," he added.

The Armenian National Committee – Western Region is the largest and
most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization
in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network
of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United
States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANC-WR
advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad
range of issues.


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