NKR President held conferences

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Dec 6 2007

NKR President held conferences

On December 5th, the NKR Prsident Bako Sahakian held a working
conference, by participation of the Minister of NKR Defence, the
commander of NKR Defence army, general-lieutenant Movses Hakopian and
its assistance.
The questions having a relation to the sphere of armybuilding,
the process of autumn call up, as well as the telethon of `Hayastan’
all-Armenian Fund, taken place recently, were discussed.
The same day the NKR President Bako Sahakian held a working
conference, in which the Speaker of Natioanl Assembly Ashot Ghoulian,
the Premier Ara Haroutyunian, the Head of the NKR President’s Stuff
Marat Moussaelian, Attorney General Armen Zalinian, the Minister of
Justice Arthur Mossian and the chairman of permenant commission of NA
state legal questions Jury Hayrapetian participated. The process of
reforms realized in legislative field was discussed. On December 5th,
the NKR President Bako Sahakian accepted the members of ARF Artsakh
Central Committee, by the head of the representative of ARF Artsakh
CC David Ishkhanian.
The President congratulated D.Ishkhanian in connection with
accepting this responsible post of the party.
During the meeting a number questions refering to innerpolitical
life of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic were touched upon.
The head of the country hoped, that henceforth the collaboration
with Armenian Revolutionary Federation would be effective,
emphasizing, that in innerpoliticalfield of the republic a close
collaboration between political powers and their active participation
in the process of state building should become unseparate part of
Artsakh political culture.(Central administration of information of
the NKR President’s Stuff reported).