ANCA-WR Condemns Harman’s Discrimination Against Armenian Americans

Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region
104 N. Belmont, Suite 208, Glendale, CA 91206
Tel. (818) 500-1918
Fax. (818) 246-7353
[email protected]

PRESS RELEASE ~ 2007-12-07
Contact: Haig Hovsepian ~ Tel: (818) 500-1918


— California Legislator Barred Armenian American Journalist from Media

*Los Angeles**, CA* – The Armenian National Committee of America – Western
Region (ANCA – WR) Board of Directors issued the following statement in
response to Rep. Jane Harman’s decision to bar Armenian American media from
a November 28th media round table she hosted at her El Segundo, California
district office.

The round table, which dealt with "local, national and international
issues," disallowed the participation of a journalist from the Armenian
American media.

"We are saddened, but not surprised, that Jane Harman has reduced herself to
outright discrimination against an Armenian American news outlet, in an
apparent bid to contain the growing controversy over her opposition to U.S.
recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Freedom of the press lies at the
foundation of our democratic form of government, but apparently this bedrock
principle does not hold much meaning for Jane Harman – at least when it
comes to speaking the truth about genocide. By any standard, Congresswoman
Harman was wrong to bar a journalist from her media forum based solely on
her desire to avoid having to publicly answer questions about her stand
against this human rights issue. Instead of trying to limit negative
publicity of her morally reprehensible position on genocide recognition,
Representative Harman should send a clear message that genocide should be
condemned whenever and wherever it occurs."

A week before the mark up of the Armenian Genocide resolution (H. Res. 106)
and while still a cosponsor of the bill, Congresswoman Harman sent a letter
to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Tom Lantos urging that the H.
Res. 106 not be brought to a vote. In protest, California State Senate
candidate and former State Assemblymember Carol Liu issued a strong letter
disagreeing with the Congresswoman’s efforts to stifle committee
consideration H. Res. 106. Soon after, on October 4, 2007, community
activists challenged the Congresswoman’s actions publicly in Lakewood,
California. On November 10, 2007, over one hundred and fifty human rights
activists including members of the Darfur Action Committee led by the UCLA
Armenian Student Association (UCLA ASA) and UCLA Armenian Graduate Student
Association (UCLA AGSA), organized a demonstration to highlight the
Congresswoman’s denialist activities.

Thousands of human rights supporters have contacted Congresswoman Harman’s
offices in California and Washington, DC to voice considerable
disappointment in her actions.

The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest and most
influential Armenian-American grassroots political organization. Working
through a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the US and
around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the
Armenian-American community on a broad range of issues.
