Karabakh talks entered crucial stage


Karabakh talks entered crucial stage
06.12.2007 15:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Karabakh talks have entered a highly responsible
and crucial stage, said Vahram Atanesyan, the chair of the NKR
National Assembly Committee of External Relations.

According to him, the notable thing about the recent meeting of the
OSCE foreign ministers in Madrid was the participation of the foreign
ministers of Russia, France and the U.S. assistant secretary of state,
which is evidence to the importance of this stage.

`It should be noted that some time before the meeting first the
president of Armenia than the president of Azerbaijan visited Paris,
and there is information that the settlement of the Karabakh problem
was discussed in the meeting with the French president. I think not
just the issue but the current stage and the perspectives of
settlement were discussed in those meetings, since the current
methodology of the talks has replaced the principles of Paris on which
the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan had seemingly reached
agreement. However, Heidar Aliyev’s death and the election of Ilham
Aliyev modified these principles. I think the principles that the
parties currently offer to the sides differ essentially from the ones
worked out with France, i.e. with the EU. Considering the recent
statements by the EU’s representative for the South Caucasus and the
recommendations of the ICG report to the European community, the talks
on Karabakh have reached a crucial point,’ he said.

`Depending on the political boldness of the sides, their readiness for
compromise, this crucial period may transform into agreement on the
main items, which may cause escalation of the conflict,’ Vahram
Atanesyan noted, Karabakh Open reports.