Azerbaijan usual intrigue

20:16 05/12/2007


`Though we have already expressed our comments about the events, but
we would like to repeat once more that the news is far from the
reality and they are nonsense. It is quite obvious where those things
do come from. And we can call them but intrigue,’ announced Vladimir
Karapetyan, Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman. The thing is that Kurd
Working Party intended to rebase military weapons in Armenia and NK.

Seyran Shahsuvaryan, the press secretary of Defense Ministry said to
the journalist that there are no Kurd military forces or
military weapons in NKR. He particularly mentioned that NKR is not an
open zone where weapons could be transferred.

Note: Turkish and Azeri media announced that Kurd Working Party is
looking for a new place and intend to create their military base in
NKR. The media also spread news like official Armenia has also given
its `permission’.

Note: The news about founding military base in NKR is spread by
Turkish `Huriet’ newspaper, not a single official source confirmed
it. Zakhid Orudj, a deputy of Mili medjlis said in an interview given
to `Zerkalo’ newspaper that the Armenians will not yield NK territory
to a single military force.
