Community event debuts Gomidas Institute Book

Gomidas Institute (UK)
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DATE: 21 September 2004

New Publication United States Records on the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917
Makes Debut in Los Angeles

Brentwood, CA – The Gomidas Institute marked the Western United States
debut of its most recent publication, United States Official Records on
the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917 at a community sponsored event in Los
Angeles, California. The new book was presented on 29 August 2004 at the
home of community activists Zaven and Sonia Akian, whose generous
support made the publication possible. The event took place in the
presence of graduate students, journalists, politicians and supporters
of Armenian lobbying organizations — the Armenian National Committee of
America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) and the Armenian Assembly of America

According to Ara Sarafian, the editor of the volume, the intellectual
value of this work lies in the fact that it is composed of eyewitness
accounts of the Armenian Genocide, as well as discussions of these
materials by US Ambassadors in Constantinople, Henry Morgenthau and
Abram Elkus, during the events in question. These accounts informed
American officials about the Armenian Genocide and ultimately led to the
Department of State supporting a clandestine relief operation in the
Ottoman Empire to save victims wherever possible. These efforts led to
the creation of the Near East Foundation by an Act of Congress in 1919.
The book clearly demonstrates that the American government was keenly
aware of the Armenian Genocide while the killings were taking place and
constitutes an invaluable resource for historians today.

Several speakers at the Los Angeles release stressed the political
significance of this work. Erin Prangley, District Director for
Congressman Brad Sherman stated that the new book was of immense value
to United States legislators working for the reaffirmation of the
Armenian Genocide by the United States government. “This [760 page] book
lays the essential facts we need about the Armenian Genocide at our
fingertips. It will make our job supporting the Armenian case much more
effective” she said.

Prangley also presented the Zakian family with a letter from Congressman
Sherman personally commending their contribution to the efforts to seek
official U.S. reaffirmation of the historical reality of the Armenian
Genocide. ANCA-WR Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian welcomed the
new work and pointed to the growing momentum in the United States for
the official reaffirmation of the Genocide in Washington DC. The new
book by Gomidas Institute clearly adds to that momentum. Kassakhian also
disclosed that the ANC is already using United States Official Records
on the Armenian Genocide for effective lobbying purposes. Maria
Armoudian, legislative consultant to Senator Richard Alarcon thanked Ara
Sarafian and Vincent Lima of the Gomidas Institute for their continued
good work in Armenian Studies today. Other distinguished guests included
Lonnie Sanders (Congresswoman Dianne Watson’s Field Representative),
Haig Khartounian (Rep. Adam Schiff’s District Representative), Kirk
Cartozian (Mayor of the City of Downey), Paul Krekorian (Vice President
of the Burbank School Board), and Raffi Hamparian (ANCA-WR Chairman).

Zaven Akian, Ara Sarafian and Vincent Lima were also awarded
certificates of special recognition of their “outstanding and invaluable
service” from the offices of Congressman Adam Schiff and Senator Richard

BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: United States Official Records on the
Armenian Genocide 1915-1917 comp., ed. and intro. by Ara Sarafian, with
a preface by U. S. Congressmen Pallone and Knollenberg (Gomidas
Institute: Princeton and London, 2004) xxxvi + 706 pp.

The Gomidas Institute is an independent academic institution
specializing in modern Armenian Studies. The Institute has offices in
Princeton (USA) and London (UK). For more information about the Gomidas
Institute please contact [email protected]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress