Armenia, United States Intend To Combat Nuclear Smuggling With Joint


ARKA News Agency
Dec 11 2007

YEREVAN, December 11. /ARKA/. Armenia and the United States intend
to combat nuclear smuggling with joint efforts.

On Monday, the United States and Armenian governments held initial
discussions at the U.S. Embassy to consider the Nuclear Smuggling
Outreach Initiative (NSOI). The talks were aimed at negotiating a
bilateral action plan to combat nuclear smuggling, the embassy’s
press office reports.

"Representatives of the U.S. Departments of State, Energy, and Homeland
Security, as well as experts from the European Union and International
Atomic Energy Agency were joined by 19 representatives from 11 Armenian
government agencies, including the National Security Service, the
Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, the Border Guard Service, the Armenian
Nuclear Regulatory Agency, the Justice Ministry, Foreign Ministry,
Prosecutor General’s Office, State Customs Committee, Ministry of
Nature Protection, Armenian Rescue Service, and Ministry of Defense",
the press release says.

According to the press release, American and Armenian officials
discussed modes of potential cooperation in preventing, detecting, and
responding to illicit trafficking of nuclear and highly radioactive
materials. Both sides affirmed the need for a coordinated response
to combat nuclear smuggling.

Through NSOI, the United States has already entered into joint
action plans to combat nuclear trafficking with Ukraine, Georgia,
the Kyrgyz Republic, and Kazakhstan, and has a tentative agreement
with Tajikistan.

"The United States and Armenia hope that the NSOI will promote greater
U.S.-Armenian cooperation on international security issues.

American officials plan to return to Armenia in spring, 2008 to
continue discussion of the NSOI", the U.S. Embassy’s pres office