Crazy Mind


Azat Artsakh Tert
Dec 11 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

How we are helpless before the nature. But why can’t we be
helpless. The people think that they were born to hold sway, to be
equal to the Gods. They didn’t realize yet the senselessness of
strategic affirmation "the nature is a workshop and the man is a
master in it".

I prefer to describe the situation by expression "the process went and
it’s impossible to return it really". The man harmed himself due to
his crazy mind. I think the fatal mistake was made, when the vision
further named "naturalistic" was excluded. It comes from ancient
times and it’s known from legends as "being the part of the nature,
the man is obliged to listen only to its laws". In first stage of
his "cultural progress" the man was not distant from the nature,
he only tried to leave the natural environment and to create his
human, that’s, antinatural and artificial , so called cultural
world. The opinion exists that the thesis of Socrates originated
the historic revolution in Vth century B. C. He said the following
"Determinator of all humanistic must be looked for in mind and not
in nature". "The great pleasure is in mind and not in instincts"-
Seneca wrote. Through mind the man stands higher than the animals,
living by instincts, and he’s going to be equal to Gods.

The Christianity which was spread all over Europe (also the other
branches of religion) though it denied the opportunitties of human
mind but it supported the man to dominate over nature, not less
than ideas of Socrates did. "The christianity freed the man from the
power of nature, under which it was in ancient times. It rose him up,
strengthened and made him depend on God and not nature",- clergymen
and religious philosophers affirmed it with self-confidence.

As if the nature had its creator, the human-being had another creator.

As a result, they achieved development in epochs of Reneissance
and Enlightenment. They had their logical end in the mid of XXth
century. The man was granted the practical status "the determinator
of everything". More and more he was given an opportunity to relax
with his desire and boundless claims. For existing and developing
in such environment, the society must destruct the harmony and the
whole basis which is the origin of life on the planet of Earth.

…In modern times the first, who alarmed about the wrongness of
the way of civilisation was Michelle Montenes. He was the first from
humanists who began to speak about disimprovement of human mind seeing
the proof of the thesis in imperfection of the world created by will
and the hands of the man.

It’s possible there are natural laws of just existence with which
other existences are endowed, but unfortunately, they were lost due to
"wonder mind" trying to order and to intervene in everything.

As Montenes thinks the higher the human culture, the more he entrusts
the nature, the more he follows the laws. "Not to teach the nature,
but to learn from it, it’s the way leading to real culture".

Blez Pascal is the following thinker, who thought deeply over the
topic. "We’re swimming where we don’t know to, as if someone pursued
us and threw us to the sides. It’s enough to find something and to
catch hold of it, it also becomes hesitating, runs from under our legs,
but if we try to surpass, it avoids us, never allowing us to approach
and it has no end",-he said. There is nothing inreachable in civilized
society. We are thirsty for stability, try to have strong land under
us and to build everlasting fortress or tower on it, whose peak will
reach the skies. But our basis breaks, the land’s seperated widely
and the presipice is seen below.

So, we must not pursue stability and trust.

Those, who master it, I think, he will refuse to break the frontiers
of nature once and forever.

Climate change is discussed in Bali

On indonesian island of Bali the climate change conference starts.

Under the auspices of UN more than 200 hundred delegates from
different countries take part in the meeting. Ivo de Bure, heading
UN secretariate of frame convention on climate change, declared to
take concrete actions preventing the planet from the threat of warming.

One of the main tasks of two-week discussions is the preparation
for signing the treaty regulating the throw of frame gases into
the atmosphere.

The document will come into force after the expiration of terms of
Kyoto treaty in 2012y.

The observers notice that one of the main questions will be the
interference of the US in working out of the treaty.

The US did not ratify the treaty of Kyoto, which puts the system of
quotas for carbon bioxid throwings.

The Daily Telegraph writes about the participants of the conference "15
thousand of people go to the paradise island for saving the planet",
and then it adds "for reaching luxurious hotels and ideal pools,
they will throw so much carbon gas in atmosphere, how african middle
developed country doesn’t do".

And then the newspaper clears out in editor’s article, "if the
conference is held, for example, in Dusseldorf, the delegates will
be too less, but when you’re proposed free of charge flight, hotel
and food in resort, additionally 200 hundred of US dollars daily
for official journey, then suddenly the real army of politicians,
officials and members of different commitees are assembled, but it
makes up 100 thousand of tones of carbon gases for struggling with
which they made so long trip".