Acclaimed Playwright Highlights LIR Schedule

Contributed by Nathalie Moore

Oshkosh Northwestern, WI
Dec 11 2007

A highlight in the Learning in Retirement December schedule is
"From Page to Stage" presented by Professor Richard Kalinosky,
internationally acclaimed playwright, reliving his experiences as a
prize-winning playwright from off-Broadway to the theatre centers of
the world. Since 1998, Professor Kalinosky has been a director and
playwright at UW-Oshkosh where he has been awarded the Distinguished
Teaching Award, the Kerrigan Endowed Professorship, and most recently,
the McNaughton Rosebush Professorship for distinguished achievement
in professional, teaching and service pursuits.

Professor Kalinoski’s most well known play, "Beast on the Moon," was
chosen for the Humana Festival in March of 1995, and since has won
the following: The Osborn Award (American Critics Association), the
Agnouni Award (Armenian Relief Society of North America), the Garland
Award (Backstage West), Best Play from the Repertory, Moliere Award
(Prix Molier in addition to four other Moliere Awards), the ACE Award,
Argentina, for Best Play in the year 2001. Beast on the Moon has been
translated into 12 languages as of April of 2005. The play became
part of the repertory of the Moscow Art Theatre in November 2004.

LIR and the Office of Continuing Education invite the Fox Valley
community to enjoy this free event on Wednesday, Dec. 12 from 2 to
4 p.m. in Reeve Union 202 at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

Further requests for information can be directed to the Office of
Continuing Education, (920) 424-1129 or (800) 633-1442.