No Alternative To Karabakh Conflict Peaceful Resolution


11.12.2007 17:22

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – December 10, Armenian Prime Minister Serzh
Sargsyan met with European Union Council Secretary General and High
Representative for the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier
Solana. The parties discussed regional issues, including the settlement
of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

PM Sargsyan reiterated Armenia’s adherence to a peaceful resolution
of this conflict. According to him, while warlike statements have
grown in frequency on the part of Azerbaijan, yet there remain good
possibilities for a negotiated settlement as there is no alternative

Javier Solana agreed that the armed resolution of the conflict is
inadmissible and that the European Union is determined to prevent the
developments from aggravating to such an extent. The Prime Minister
of Armenia said that, supported by the European Union, Armenia-Turkey
relationship, too, could be settled and that our country suggested
establishing diplomatic ties without preconditions.

For his part, Mr Solana emphasized that the forthcoming elections
should preclude any regression in the development of the country and
in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the RA government’s
press office reported.