Why Artsakh Energy Suffers Losses


13-12-2007 13:01:47

Prime Minister Ara Harutiunyan held a consultation during which the
results of checking of Artsakh Energy were discussed, the department
of information and public relations of the NKR government reports. The
prime minister describes the activities of the company over the past
few years as unsatisfactory, for the checking revealed considerable
losses and misuse.

Artsakh Energy suffers losses, although the markup of electric power
is high enough to generate profit. The prime minister said part of
the staff were replaced, the wrongdoers will be responsible.

Checking of Artsakh Energy was carried out by the NKR Tax Service –
the fiscal documents and taxes paid by the company in 2005 and 2006
were checked. The head of the Tax Service presented facts of tax
avoidance and misuse. It was underlined that most losses occurred
between the transmission network and consumers.

The prime minister gave instructions for elimination of
misuse. Structural, as well as legislative changes are expected in
the energy sector.