ASBAREZ Online [09-22-2004]


1) Reps. Eshoo and Sweeney Urge House Colleagues to Call for a Vote on the
Armenian Genocide
2) 13th Anniversary Independence Celebrations
3) Garamendi Appoints Members of Armenian Insurance Settlement Fund Board
4) Conference Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Lebanon ARF Zavarian Student
5) Georgia President Suggests Stage-By-Stage Settlement Plan

1) Reps. Eshoo and Sweeney Urge House Colleagues to Call for a Vote on the
Armenian Genocide

–Support Continues to Grow for Congressional Letter to Speaker Hastert in
Support of the Schiff Amendment and H.Res.193

WASHINGTON, DC (ANCA)–New York Republican John Sweeney and California
Democrat Anna Eshoo have joined together in the effort encouraging their
Congressional colleagues to cosign a letter to Speaker Hastert urging him to
maintain the Schiff amendment in the House Foreign aid bill and schedule a
on the Genocide Resolution.
The letter currently has over 60 signatories and support continues to grow in
the days leading up to the House and Senate conference to finalize the FY 2005
foreign aid bill.
In a letter to House Members, Reps. Eshoo and Sweeney, both of Armenian
descent, explained:
“Under the Ottoman Empire, nearly two million Armenians who were living in
Eastern Anatolia were deported from their homes. Of the two million deportees,
only 500,000 survived this ordeal. The historical record is clear. From
1915 to
1923, the Ottoman Empire succeeded in systematically eliminating the Armenians
from their historical homeland where they had lived for over two thousand
years. H.Res.193 reaffirmed our nation’s commitment to the noble aims of the
Genocide Convention, and urges the American people to learn from the
lessons of
past genocides in order to help prevent future crimes against humanity.”
The Schiff Amendment, spearheaded by California Democrat Adam Schiff, was
unanimously adopted by the House in a voice vote, during discussions of the FY
2005 foreign aid bill. The legislation would bar the Turkish government from
using US foreign aid funds for lobbying against the Genocide Resolution.
Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX), and Majority
Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) immediately denounced the measure in a harshly worded
press release placed on the front page of the House Speaker’s website, citing
concerns about its effects on US-Turkey relations and pledging to remove the
language from the final foreign aid bill.
Following the Speaker’s announced opposition to the measure, more than a
national grassroots Armenian American organizations cosigned a letter to the
House leader, voicing the community’s unequivocal opposition to efforts to
reverse the Schiff Amendment to the fiscal year 2005 Foreign Operations bill,
and expressing the community’s “great dismay with your public statement
holding a vote on the Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193.”
The organizations that signed the community-wide letter were the ANCA, the
Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church–Eastern and Western US, the Prelacy
of the Armenian Apostolic Church–Eastern and Western US, the Armenian
Missionary Association of America, and the Apostolic Exarchate for Armenian
Catholics, as well as the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian
Democratic Liberal (Ramgavar) Party, United Armenian Fund, Armenian Relief
Society, Armenian Bar Association, National Organization of Republican
Armenians, Armenian Youth Federation, Homenetmen–Armenian General Athletic
Union, and Hamazkayin Armenian Cultural and Educational Association.
Reps. George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Congressional
Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) introduced
Genocide resolution (H.Res.193) in April, 2003. The legislation (H.Res.193)
unanimously adopted by the House Judiciary Committee in May of that year and
currently has 111 cosponsors. Similar legislation in the Senate (S.Res.164)
over 40 cosponsors.

2) 13th Anniversary Independence Celebrations

YEREVAN (Combined Sources)–Armenia’s President Kocharian kicked-off official
ceremonies marking Armenia’s independence from the Soviet Union, by visiting
the Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan where hundreds of Armenians killed
during the war with Azerbaijan are buried.
“Today’s Armenia is an established state with a pronounced commitment to
deeper economic reforms, democratic transformation and international
engagement,” Kocharian told government officials, foreign diplomats, and other
dignitaries attending an official reception later in the day.
The holiday marks the September 21, 1991 referendum in which 94.99% of
Armenians voted in favor of secession from the Soviet Union, just months
its collapse.
In separate messages to President Robert Kocharian, the presidents of the
United States and Russia pledged to strengthen their relations with Armenia
US President George W. Bush described Armenia as a “major partner” of the
United States, according to Kocharian’s office.
“The United States will work hard to assist the government and the people of
Armenia in achieving economic growth, strengthening democratic institutions
resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” Bush was quoted as saying. “I expect
that cooperation between our nations and the very friendly ties between our
peoples will be further reinforced.”
“I am particularly thankful for Armenia’s important anti-terrorist support
the United States,” he said.
Armenia opened its airspace for the US military aircraft following the
September 11 terrorist attacks.
“I am convinced that a further deepening of the Russian-Armenian strategic
partnership is in tune with the fundamental interests of our countries and
plays an important role in maintaining peace and stability in the Caucasus,”
read Russia’s President Vladimir Putin letter cited by the Armenian
presidential press service.

3) Garamendi Appoints Members of Armenian Insurance Settlement Fund Board

LOS ANGELES (Insurance Journal)–Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has
announced three appointments to the Armenian Insurance Settlement Fund Board,
created to oversee the settlement of claims against New York Life Insurance
Company as directed in the settlement of a class-action lawsuit on behalf of
heirs and descendants of policyholders who were killed during the Armenian
genocide more than 90 years ago.
The board members, Viken Manjikian, Paul Krekorian, and Berj Boyajian, will
evaluate claims and determine which are to be paid pursuant to the terms of
settlement agreement. The board’s decisions will be final with no right of
“I am honored to appoint these three accomplished, capable and fair
individuals who will further the pursuit of justice for heirs and descendants
of victims of the Armenian genocide,” Commissioner Garamendi said. “This is an
important step to help bring closure to the victims and their families.”
Early this year, Garamendi secured a $20 million fund to help finance the
payment of claims in the case. At least $3 million of that amount will be put
into the “Unclaimed/Heirless Fund,” which will be contributed to
charitable organizations–as set forth in the settlement agreement–whose
activities advance the Court-approved charitable interests of the Armenian
Manjikian, of Lancaster, is Director of Inpatient and Emergency Radiology,
Director of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at Antelope Valley Hospital.
He has extensive credentials in the field of radiology and earned his medical
and undergraduate degrees at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Boyajian, of Beverly Hills, operates Boyajian and Associates in Los Angeles.
His practice specializes in business and toxic torts, and he has extensive
experience in litigation on behalf of individuals and workers exposed to toxic
Krekorian, of Burbank, is a founding partner of the law firm Fisher &
Krekorian in Los Angeles. His practice specializes in representation of
business, charitable organizations and individuals in matters involving
trademark, copyright and commercial disputes.
Potential claimants in the Armenian genocide case have been informed via
Notice by the Court and published statewide. The Department of Insurance
consumer hotline will also be able to direct potential claimants to the
settlement Web site. Or, call the Department’s hotline at 800-927-HELP

4) Conference Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Lebanon ARF Zavarian Student

BEIRUT–A five-day pan-Armenian student conference commenced on September
20 in
Beirut, Lebanon, in celebration of the ARF Zavarian Student Association’s
100th anniversary.
Representatives of various youth and student organizations from Armenia,
Mountainous Karabagh Republic, Javakhk, Russia, Iran, Iraq, France, Canada,
Germany, Greece, the US, Syria, and Lebanon are taking part in the before
mentioned conference gathered for the opening ceremony on September 20 at the
Aghpalian Sports and Cultural Center.
In his address, ARF Bureau representative Hrant Margarian said that students
must view the homeland and diaspora as one entity–the combined strength of
which can be coordinated and utilized to the benefit of its people.
A congratulatory letter from the International Union of Socialist Youth
was read, and the ceremony ended with a documentary on ZSA founder Simon
The conference, “Armenian Students Facing Challenges of The 21st Century,”
will run through September 25, allowing students the opportunity to strengthen
mutual relations and exchange ideas and experiences in facing challenges of
21st century. Participants will also examine their roles in the context of
realities Armenians throughout the world face.
The conference will address the following topics: The Armenian cause in light
of the presence of the Armenian Republic; the integration of the Armenian
Republic in the European Union: advantages and disadvantages; Globalization
the problems facing the Armenian Republic; the meaning of mutual relations
between Armenia and the diaspora and respective roles (diaspora in promoting
the development of the Armenian Republic and Armenia’s role in maintaining the
liveliness of diaspora); students and the Armenian national heritage
preservation (emigration, assimilation); the current situation and mission of
Armenian students living in Armenia or in the diaspora.
For more information, contact: [email protected] or [email protected].

5) Georgia President Suggests Stage-By-Stage Settlement Plan

UNITED NATIONS (Itar-Tass)–Speaking at the 59th UN General Assembly
session on
Tuesday, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili presented a stage-by-stage
of settling the Abkhazian and South Ossetian conflicts.
The first stage of the plan would include concrete confidence-building
measures–specifically the exchange of people and goods, joint economic
projects, and the restoration of the right of displaced persons to return

The second stage, he said, provides for material guarantees of the
of military bases, demilitarization, internationalization of peacekeeping
efforts, as well as international monitoring aimed at achieving a peaceful
According to Saakashvili, the third stage includes the granting of the
broadest possible autonomy to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which would ensure
“the protection of their culture and language, local government, fiscal
control” and equal participation in the settlement of all problems, which fall
under the jurisdiction of the national government.

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