U.S Embassy Donates Computer System For Armenian Police


[12:21 pm] 14 December, 2007

On December 14, 2007, U.S. Charge d’Affaires Joseph Pennington
signed a letter marking the donation of over $818,000 towards the
establishment of a nationwide computer system for the Republic of
Armenia Police. Signing the donation letter on behalf of the Government
of Armenia was Lt. General Ararat Mahtesyan, Deputy Head of the Police
of the Republic of Armenia Police.

The new computer system, now running in every Marz in the country,
will enable police officers in the field to access the main police
databases. Utilizing the equipment and training donated by the
U.S. Embassy, police officers around the country can now instantly
check criminal records, stolen goods reports, vehicle registrations,
firearms permits, and other important databases necessary to
effectively fight crime.

Moreover, the system will enable real-time communication and the
exchange of information between the Republic of Armenia Police and
other international law enforcement organizations.

This project is only part of the U.S. Government’s comprehensive
law enforcement assistance program in the Republic of Armenia. The
U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, through its International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Section, has funded the renovation of such facilities
as the National Bureau of Expertises, the Police Induction Center
in Kanaker, the Border Guards Training Facility in Yerevan and the
Customs House in Vanadzor. Moreover, the Embassy has donated computer
equipment in all these facilities. The U.S. Government provides about
$3 million a year in law enforcement assistance to Armenia.