Deliberative Mejlis Demands Transparency In Karabakh Conflict


2007-12-19 11:06:00

ArmInfo-Turan. The parties included in the Deliberative Mejlis (DM)
are concerned with the lack of transparency in many spheres, Head of
Azerbaijan’s Democratic Party Serdar Jalaloglu said.

According to him, today’s session covered the "Madrid Talks."The
participants in the session considered different interpretations of
the results of Madrid Talks and noted the lack of transparency in
this matter.

Jalaloglu treated the mentioning of the issue on referendum as the
way for the resolution of the conflict not corresponding to the
international law.

The parties included in the DM think that protracted conflicts
should be settled in the format of frozen conflicts in GUAM
countries. Besides, the session covered the state budget of the
country for 2008, which is not transparent either. The state budget
is qualified as not socially orientated and creating conditions
for corruption. Concerning the political situation in Azerbaijan,
Jalaloglu said that until all arrested journalists are released it
will be impossible to speak about normal pre-election situation. The
members of the DM supported the proposal on restoration of the post
of PACE rapporteur for political prisoners.

The DM unites Democratic party, AMIP (national Independence), Musavat,
Progress and Public Forum "For the Sake of Azerbaijan".