Armenian Labor Market Challenges

16:04 18/12/2007

Today a conference took place under the heading "Labor market in
Armenia: trends and challenges." The participants discussed the
international and local trends of the labor market, the dynamics of
the labor market and issues of development.

"The stable economic growth in our republic in the course of recent
few years and the changes in the quality of life make us speak about
an important component of the market economy – the labor market,"
Aghvan Vardanyan, minister of employment and social affairs, said
in his opening speech. He said it is impossible to ensure public
prosperity without program regulations and a state policy. "Years
ago we did not speak about that at all, we ignored such issues since
the state was busy with other problems. Such issues are becoming
a priority step by step and in compliance with the international
changes and developments. It is impossible to progress without the
discussion of such issues," he said.