Today’s Rates Of China And India Development Are Evidence Of The Fac

Mariam Levina


Interview of deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Armen Bayburdyan with
ArmInfo Agency

By international experts’ calculations, China and India will become
the dominating countries in the world in 20-25 years. In this context,
what spheres of economy, from your viewpoint, are the most perspective
in the development of trade-economic cooperation with these states?

First of all, I would like to expressed gratitude to ArmInfo
Agency for the initiative of. Today’s rates of China and India
development are an evidence of the fact that they will occupy the
leading positions in the world economy in the near future and the
countries which do not accept this factor in an orderly fashion, are
doomed to lose their positions. From this point of view, Armenia has
an advantage of not only the traditionally formed durable relations
with India and China are significant but also today’s relations with
both states. Incidentally, striving to wider and deeper cooperation
is of a mutual nature. China and India observe Armenia as an equal
partner in the whole specter of mutual relations for today as well
as for the future.

In this context the priority directions in the trade and economic
aspect are the information, communication and high technologies in
general. Industrial technologies and know-how, the joint scientific
research and cooperation in the sphere of education, directed
to economy and having a long-term strategic prospect, are also
important. One should specially mention the prospective spheres of
cooperation in agriculture, healthcare, chemical, food and processing
industry, energy, transport and communication projects and tourism,

What are these relations hindered by – transport, remoteness? What
is the state of the normative-legal base in relations with these
countries? Are there any problems in this field?

The normative-legal base with these countries has been properly formed,
however, it requires a permanent flexible response for adaptation to
the fast-growing scales of cooperation.

"The problem of transport and remoteness really exists, however, its
value should not be exaggerated. In the present age of global need in
improvement of the transport-communication lines, the transportation
will be continuously improved based on the economic factors of more
global nature.

At the same time, the analysis of dynamics of the goods turnover
of Armenia with China and India indicates that event now, the goods
turnover of Armenia with these geographically comparatively remote
countries is at the same level or even exceeds the volume of Armenia’s
goods turnover with some partner-countries, say nothing of the economic
potential of these countries in prospect. One should not forget that
the past active participation of the Armenian people in the trade
globalization process passed in parallel with the development of
India and China in 17-18 centuries, when the Armenian trade-financial
capital created a trade- commercial network, extending from Guangzhou,
Calcutta, Madras and Bombay to Marseilles and Amsterdam. Together
with our key policy of European integration, Armenia has to pay a
permanent long-term attention to stable deepening of interaction with
these two world super-states. I would like to draw the attention to
the key problem, occurred prior to the process of Armenia’s entry the
markets of the Asian and Pacific Rim (APR). The activity in the markets
of APR countries requires deep specialized knowledge, in particular,
knowledge of languages and traditions of the partner-countries. Other
skills are required for the efficient work with the enterprises and
companies from China and India , which differ from those required for
cooperation with partners from Russia, Europe and USA. "Experienced
specialists, acquainted with the state of affairs in these countries’
markets, are necessary. For example, the Armenian companies’ level of
attraction of specialists, with work experience in the Chinese market,
to the work is relatively low. Starting from 1994, about 20 qualified
specialists in the area of international relations, trade, economy,
law and medicine with knowledge of the English language studied and
worked in China by the programme of exchange in education. In addition,
about 15 of them keep on studying in China. However, Armenia needs
these staff in our country, first of all.

Until recently, the relations of Armenia with China were
of humanitarian nature mainly, when the People’s Republic of
China provided Armenia with mini-tractors and other agricultural
equipment. What are the prospects of cooperation at the level of
subjects and separate enterprises? Can the "Grand Sun" enterprise
become the first robin? Are there any data about the fortune of the
"Nairi-2" JV in China? How do the Armenian apricots grow in the
People’s Republic of China?

The relations of Armenia with Chin are developed at the interstate

Since the first days of Armenia’s independence China is contributing
to strengthening of Armenian statehood. China has always assisted
Armenia and the Government of People’s Republic of China has been
implementing various technical assistance programs in Armenia since
1997. At the moment, the Chinese Government implements programs
aimed at development of the Armenian agricultural sector and
training of some 60 Armenian specialists of different state and
public institutions. The trade and economic representation of the
Chinese Embassy in Armenia in coordination with the Foreign Ministry
and other structures of Armenia is implementing the programs. At the
same time, the relations of Armenia and China cannot be called ‘just
humanitarian’. The friendly cooperation of our countries, bilateral
and international, develops on the basis of equality of rights, mutual
respect and support in the direct sense of these words. Political
dialogue contains bilateral topics, information exchange on regional
problems and world development. There is a mechanism of permanent
foreign political consultations between Armenia and China, an
intergovernmental commission for trade, economy, culture, education
and agriculture that meets twice a year in Yerevan and Beijing by
rotation. The last joint meeting of the commission took place in April
2007. ‘We have a unique experience on establishment of Shansi-Nairit JV
of synthetic rubbers in the town of Datong, Shansi province. It is the
only project wherein Armenia invests its technologies and know-how in
abroad. At the moment, there is an intensive construction of a plant
that must be ready in 2008. The scientific and technical exchange of
agricultural technologies is one of the most successful directions of
cooperation. Starting from 1997, Armenian apricot, grapes and cherry
testing gardens have been planted in 4 various climate regions in
China. At the National Research Institute of Farming of Armenia the
sorts of drought-resistant grains from China are tested. ‘As I know
the Chinese party is satisfied with the testing of Armenian apricot
in China. A monument of Armenian-Chinese Friendship was opened
at the Institute of Pomology of Shansi Province devoted to this
project. Armenian specialists have been constantly visiting China to
conduct joint research and relevant consultations with their Chinese
colleagues. I have no information about the plans of the "Grand Sun"
Company for cooperation with the Chinese partners, however, I would
like to note that the bilateral legal basis, additionality of economies
and favorable atmosphere characteristic to the Armenian and Chinese
relations boosts the Armenian-Chinese trade-economic cooperation,
including mutual investments, joint ventures, trade and exchange
of experience. Our country is preparing for participation in 2008
Olympic Games in Peking, as well as the World exhibition Expo 2010
in Shanghai. These two events are a unique opportunity to present
the social, economic and cultural development of our country at the
world level.

Naturally, the whole world and the Chinese society, first of all,
will attentively watch the participation and success of the countries
за in these important events.

Project of construction of Armenia-Iran railway, by which Armenia
can directly enter the Chinese market through the Iranian territory,
exists. Was it proposed to the Chinese party to take part in this
project? On the other hand, the railway will allow to enter the Persian
Gulf and India. Is India’s participation in this project possible?

Armenia-Iran railway construction project is at the initial stage.

Discussion of the project fulfillment is open for all the interested
parties, and China and India will be offered to observe the possibility
of their participation. To note, India is a member-founder of the
North-South transport project, in which Armenia is also taking part.

Holding of the Days of Armenia in China has been scheduled for the
near future. What events will be carried out within the frames of the
Days and in which towns? Is it scheduled to hold the similar Days of
China in Armenia?

At what stage is the process of opening of the Confucius Institute
in Yerevan?

Within the frames of the Days, a gala-concert is scheduled in Beijing
as well as concerts in Shenyang and an art exhibition. The NKR Embassy
in Armenia supported preparing the event. I would like to express
special gratitude to the NKR ambassador to Armenia for this as the
cultural diplomacy is of great significance in modern international

Culture exchange between our countries is taking place according to
the programme on cultural cooperation which is renovated once in two
years. This year the tour of Chinese Puppet Theatre was held in Yerevan
and other towns of Armenia. ‘The theatre performances were held within
the frames of International Festival of Puppet Theatres in Armenia. Not
only young Armenian spectators were admired by the virtuous performing
of Chinese actors but also the adults. As for the Days of the Culture
of China in Armenia, RA Ministry of Culture has already sent such an
invitation to China. The project of opening a Confucius Institute
in Yerevan is one of the priorities of cooperation at the moment
since, as I have already said, training of the Chinese language and
culture specialists is becoming significant in Armenia. The project
is implemented by the Yerevan State Linguistic University after
V.Brusov and the International Chinese Language Agency. Preparations
for signing of a relevant agreement are under way.

Many students from India study in the Armenian Higher Educational
Establishments. Are there people among the Armenian youth who wish to
study in the Indian HEEs? In particular, last year, the Indian party
expressed readiness to provide places for the Armenian servicemen
in its military educational establishments. What the continuation of
this initiative?

Cooperation with India in the sphere of education and science is one of
the priority directions in the interrelations of our countries in the
humanitarian sphere. The relevant regulatory and legal framework of
the sphere of the two-way exchange is constantly being improved. The
exchange also implies exchange of educational staff and information
as well as joint scientific elaborations. Within the frames of the
program, since 1993 40-60 places have been annually provided by the
Indian Government for the preparation and advanced training of the
Armenian specialists in the sphere of economy, agriculture, various
spheres of science and engineering, management, small and medium
entrepreneurship, information technologies and diplomacy. I must
state that these courses are high quality. As for Armenian students’
studying in Indian higher educational institutions, A. Bayburdyan
said that given the progressive educational institutions in India,
which correspond to high international standards, it is necessary to
properly present the educational programs and conditions in these HEIs
in our country. As for study of the Armenian servicemen in India’s
military educational establishments, the parties are refining the
relevant provisions of a bilateral agreement in this sphere, which
is envisaged by the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in
this direction. The defense ministries of the two countries will send
their servicemen for study according to this document, if necessary.

In general, how do you evaluate the current level of cooperation with
both countries in the economic and humanitarian directions?

The level of cooperation is rather high, however, it should enhance
continuously with such dynamically developing countries as China and
India, and not only in the economic and humanitarian area but the
social-political one as well. The Mass Media should play an active
role in promotion and broadcasting of Armenia’s cooperation with
both China and India, as well as with other countries of the Asian
and Pacific Rim.

Thank you for your questions.

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