Primate’s Christmas Message and WD e-Newsletter for Dec. 27, 2007

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
3325 North Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, Ca 91504
Tel: 818-558-7474
Fax: 818-558-6333

Diocesan News

**Primate’s 2008 Christmas Message**

Watch a video of this message in English or Armenian online
< hop/messages/2008/christmas.html>

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will
keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." –
Philippians 4:7
In the Christendom, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is the
embodiment of the peace of God. The birth of Christ was the
manifestation of God’s boundless love which established a new
refuge where his radiating peace, emanating from within himself,
became the path of peace, life and truth.

The peace of God is the leading path of Christ towards God. It is
the mystery of the life of Christ. It is the truth woven in the tales
uttered from his lips. Thus in celebrating his birth, we are born
again spiritually through the birth of Jesus Christ. In other words,
the Nativity not only demonstrates the boundless love of God, but the
mirror of our lives, in which we could see our very beings more
vividly, therefore correcting the direction of our lives. Henceforth,
miraculous changes occur in the lives of the faithful.

"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will
keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

The birth of Christ is the most miraculous event of this world. Our
Human mind is unable to comprehend the Mystery of Christmas, but the
ones who believe in the mystery also will experience the miracle of
spiritual rebirth.

We live in a time when scientific achievements and innovations occur
in every second, to the benefit of all mankind. But the question
remains whether the scientific achievements are truly valuated, in
spite of ever weakening faith humankind entrusts in God. Thus,
mankind is becoming increasingly decadent and loosing its moral

The Birth of Christ is a miraculous blessing that in depth could
turn our God-given lives into celebration when the Gospel of Jesus
Christ would emanate through our souls. There is one practical way,
for Christians, to celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ that is to
reawaken within ourselves the power of faith in God; to stay faithful
to the belief of our forefathers and the Church. Reinforce the vision
of family as a sacred sanctuary where our children are nourished
spiritually in order to gain wisdom and become useful and productive

Dear faithful, the year 2008 has just begun, as a heavenly blessing.
It is left to us to enrich the New Year with the labor of faith, thus
perpetuating our lives as a testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Living our lives as a testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ will spread
peace and love of Christ, uniting the humanity as one heart, one

"Christ was born and revealed, blessed be the revelation of

May this be the desire of your hearts and your prayer unceasingly.
Since each time we recite our prayers figuratively speaking we take
steps towards God. Step by step we become electrified within our
existence, with the presence of God. And when we greet each other
with the same prayer, we turn into ambassadors of peace and
tranquility in our world and among our fellow human beings.

May Baby Jesus and his birth humble our hearts and strengthen the
love of God and peace among us. Thus, all hand-in-hand, from the
bottom of our hearts rededicate ourselves to the Fatherland and the
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, to the blessed United States, to our
Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, to the mission, and all this in
remembrance and reverence of our Martyrs, and as a beautiful and
justified offerings to the Glory of God.

May Christmas bring peace, long lives, health, and more prosperity
to the world, to each family and to each heart and soul.

With love and prayers,

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian

**Primate’s Schedule – January 2008
< y.php?id=769>**

**APN Scholarship Distribution Event
< ry.php?id=770>**

On December 17, 2007, the annual Armenian Professional Network
Scholarship Distribution Event took place at Armen Hampar Hall of the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church. This year, 5 outstanding
students were chosen for the award. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, presided over the event.