BAKU: Samad Seyidov: I initiated prop on PACE subcommittee

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Dec 27 2007

Samad Seyidov: I initiated proposal on establishing PACE subcommittee
on `frozen conflicts’

[ 27 Dec 2007 17:20 ]

I initiated proposal on establishing Parliamentary Assembly of
Council of Europe (PACE) subcommittee on `frozen conflicts’. I
proposed it during hearings on `frozen conflicts’ in the framework of
the meeting of PACE Monitoring Committee held in Berlin, the capital
of Germany on November 6, 2007, head of Azerbaijani parliamentary
delegation to PACE Samad Seyidov told the APA.

Mr. Seyidov stated that solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict is
carried out in the framework of format of Minsk Group.
`The opposite side wants exclusion of the conflicts, as well as
Nagorno Karabakh problem from agenda. The main duty of the other
organizations, as well as CE on the conflicts is that they should not
allow exclusion of these problems from agenda, they should contribute
to it. I can not agree to the statements that PACE Subcommittee on
Nagorno Karabakh does not do anything and even does not visit the
region. The existence of the committee shows that the problem is on
the agenda,’ he said.
The parliamentarian considers that establishment of the new committee
on conflicts shows that the problem has not been solved yet. He said
the solution of the conflict is not PACE’s business.
`We should inform the world community about the conflicts. It would
be better to discuss similar conflicts together. It will have greater
effect, when proposals on conflicts are put forth in the UN. GUAM is
also working hard in this direction. Why can’t the Council of Europe
express its position, while there are conflicts of Nagorno Karabakh,
Abkhazia, Ossetia and Transdnestria? Why should Nagorno Karabakh
conflict be regarded as an exceptional case? All conflicts are in
violation of international law, contradict international norms. I am
glad that Andres Herkel also shares this proposal,’ he said. /APA/